
Semantic Web Technologies: A Tutorial

Li Ding, Deborah L. McGuinness, and Anupam Joshi

July 18, 2006

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semantic web

People become "smarter" by using web search engines like Google to obtain relevant and useful information from the World Wide Web. The Semantic Web aims at making such knowledge more accessible to computer programs, i.e. building “a web of data, in some ways like a global database” as suggested by Tim Berners-Lee. This tutorial gives an overview of Semantic Web technologies and their utility. The Semantic Web technologies can be studied from two aspects. From the web aspect, Semantic Web data can be published and consumed on the Web by independent programs or owners. From the semantic aspect, Semantic Web languages (e.g. RDF, RDFS and OWL) support sharing and integrating data across application, enterprise, and community boundaries; moreover, Semantic Web ontologies enable "semantic interoperability" and logical inference capability. The real-world utility of Semantic Web technologies can be observed from its deployment on the Web and in domain applications. Our Swoogle Semantic Web search engine has successfully collected the 1.6 millions of online documents comprising 300 millions of triples, and the statistics indicate steady growth of online Semantic Web data. Semantic Web technologies have also been applied in many domains, such as pervasive computing, policy management, social network analysis, information integration, provenance annotation, and proof sharing.



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