From Pixels to Regions: Hierarchical Segmentation Pre-Processing for Image Analysis
by James Tilton
Thursday, April 20, 2006, 10:30am
346 ITE
The Hierarchical Image Segmentation (HSEG) software produces a set of
hierarchically related segmentations of imagery data. These
hierarchically related segmentations are at several levels of detail in
which the coarser segmentations can be produced from the finer
resolution segmentations by selective merging of regions. The
segmentation hierarchies organize image data in a manner that makes the
image's information content more accessible for analysis by enabling
region-based analysis. In addition, the segmentation hierarchies provide
additional analysis clues through the behavior of the image region
characteristics over several levels of segmentation detail. Following a
brief overview of HSEG, its recursive and parallel implementations, and
a companion HSEGViewer program, a number of applications will be discussed.