Context-Spaces Approach to Building Context-Aware Pervasive Computing Systems


Friday, October 13, 2006, 13:00pm - Friday, October 13, 2006, 14:00pm

325b ITE

context, mobile computing, pervasive computing

Context-awareness is essential for reactive and proactive behavior of pervasive an mobile computing systems. This talk concentrates on a context-spaces approach to representing, managing and reasoning about context and respective situations. Maintaining stability of pervasive computing systems will also be presented. A short overview of a variety of projects in mobile/pervasive/wireless computing and networking will also be presented. A brief overview of a Monash-wide initiative CoolCampus will be given. Coolcampus brings together researchers in pervasive/mobile/wireless space with potential users of this technology in educational environment.

Anupam Joshi

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