SAP-LAP Policy Paradigm – Application for Cyber Security
by Madan Oberoi
Tuesday, April 12, 2011, 11:00am - Tuesday, April 12, 2011, 12:15pm
ITE - 325 B
SAP-LAP (Situation Actor Process-Learning Action Performance) framework has been developed on the basis of Prof. John Warfield’s Interpretive Structural Modeling. It is a holistic framework that consists of a "situation" to be managed, an "actor" or a group of actors to deal with the situation and a "process" or a set of processes that respond to the situation and recreate it. The interplay and synthesis of SAP leads to Learning-Action-Performance (LAP). Key learning issues of interest about the situation, actor and process are brought out by this analysis. Based on these learning issues, action is to be taken and depending upon the effectiveness of these actions, performance is generated in terms of improved processes/actors and better situational parameters. This paradigm can be used to analyze cyber security scenario with special reference to identification of malicious and compromised websites.