Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Autonomic and Trusted Computing
A Prediction-Based Fair Replication Algorithm in Structured P2P Systems
July 11, 2007
Highly skewed query distribution in structured Peer-to-Peer system may cause huge amount of dropped queries and consequently lead to poor system performance. This paper describes a Prediction-based Fair Replication Algorithm (PFR), which aims to maintain excellent system performance when the query is highly skewed. For the purpose of fairly distributing load onto each node, nodes that host hot items always shed load onto light-loaded nodes by creating replicas along the query path. Through the use of a simple prediction method, we can foresee traffic surge and replicate beforehand. Consequently, the number of dropped queries will decrease. Further more, each node can fairly decide the load redistribution speed for itself merely based on local information. The experimental evaluation demonstrates the effectiveness of our approach, which can simultaneously reduce the number of dropped queries as well as the number of created replicas without introducing unaffordable overhead.
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