David Aha
David Aha

Head, Intelligent Decision Aids Group


Naval Research Laboratory
Intelligent Decision Aids Group

Dr. Aha leads NRL's IDA Group, which conducts research and development of decision aiding tools that can be transitioned to their sponsors' organizations. Their current projects concern knowledge extraction from text documents, intelligent www services, hypothesis elaboration for suspected terrorist activities, and TIELT. He currently leads the evaluation team for DARPA's Transfer Learning program. His focal interests include case-based reasoning, mixed-initiative problem solving, and machine learning. David has published frequently on these and related topics, has given keynote presentations at several international technical conferences, has organized 15 international conferences/workshops, has served on the editorial boards for JAIR, Machine Learning, and Applied Intelligence, has (co-)edited three special journal issues (including an upcoming CBR special issue in Knowledge Engineering Review), and serves on several AI conference program committees.

David Aha