Don Engel
Don Engel

Assistant Vice President for Research

Affiliated Faculty, Faculty

University of Maryland, Baltimore County
1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250, United States

Dr. Don Engel is a professor and the Assistant Vice President for Research at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). Don leads UMBC’s Office of Research Development, leads the Assistive Visualization and Artificial Intelligence Lab (AVAIL), and is the interim director of the Center for Space Sciences and Technology (CSST). Don’s research is on the applications of visualization and artificial intelligence (esp. image processing and computational linguistics) to data-driven discovery (esp. in the physical and life sciences). After completing a Ph.D. in physics and master’s in computer science, Don spent several years working for Congress and executive branch agencies as a science and technology policy advisor. Don’s background also includes clinical experience as a resident in radiation oncology medical physics.

Don Engel



  1. M. Murnane, P. Higgins, M. Saraf, F. Ferraro, C. Matuszek, and D. Engel, "A Simulator for Human-Robot Interaction in Virtual Reality", InProceedings, Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), March 2021, 734 downloads.
  2. P. Higgins, G. Y. Kebe, K. Darvish, D. Engel, F. Ferraro, and C. Matuszek, "Towards Making Virtual Human-Robot Interaction a Reality", InProceedings, 3rd International Workshop on Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed-Reality for Human-Robot Interactions (VAM-HRI), March 2021, 771 downloads.


  1. P. Jenkins, R. Sachdeva, G. Y. Kebe, P. Higgins, K. Darvish, E. Raff, D. Engel, J. Winder, F. Ferraro, and C. Matuszek, "Presentation and Analysis of a Multimodal Dataset for Grounded Language Learning", Article, arXiv:2007.14987 [cs.RO], July 2020, 414 downloads.


  1. M. Murnane, M. Breitmeyer, F. Ferraro, C. Matuszek, and D. Engel, "Learning from Human-Robot Interactions in Modeled Scenes", InProceedings, ACM SIGGRAPH 2019 Posters, July 2019, 424 downloads.