Gary J Koehler
Gary J Koehler



University of Florida
College of Business Administration, Gainesville, FL 32611

Gary J. Koehler is the John B. Higdon Eminent Scholar of Management Information Systems at the University of Florida. He received his Ph. D. from Purdue University in 1974. He has held academic positions at Northwestern University and Purdue University and between 1979-1987 was a cofounder and CEO of a high-tech company which grew to over 260 employees during that period. His research interests are in areas formed by the intersection of the Operations Research, Artificial Intelligence and Information Systems areas and include such areas as genetic algorithm theory, machine learning, e-commerce, quantum computing and decision support systems. He has published in journals including Management Science, Operations Research, Informs Journal on Computing, Evolutionary Computation, Decision Sciences, Decision Support Systems, the European Journal on Operational Research, the Journal of Management Information Systems, Information Systems and e-Business Management, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Journal of Finance, and others. He is an area editor for Decision Support System and is on several other editorial boards. He has served as an expert witness for many large firms (including AT&T), has been an External Examiner for several Universities and has worked under grants from IBM and the National Science Foundation.

Gary J Koehler