Paul McNamee

Senior Computer Scientist


Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Research and Technology Development Center, Laurel, MD 20723-6099

Graduated in December 2008

I am a member of the Research and Technology Development Center at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL). My group, the System and Information Sciences Group, performs works in applied computer science and has interests in distributed information access, human language technologies (e.g., information retrieval & information extraction), video surveillance, probabilistic inference and reasoning, and advanced software engineering. My technical interests are in human language technologies, especially cross-language information retrieval, and information extraction (mining information from unstructured text).



  1. T. Finin, D. Lawrie, J. Mayfield, P. McNamee, and C. Costello, "Participation in TAC KBP 2017: Cold Start TEDL and Low-resource EDL", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 2017 Text Analysis Workshop, November 2017, 863 downloads.


  1. T. Finin, D. Lawrie, J. Mayfield, P. McNamee, J. Laspesa, and M. Latman, "HLTCOE Participation in TAC KBP 2016: Cold Start and EDL", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 2016 Text Analysis Workshop, November 2016, 1487 downloads.


  1. T. Finin, D. Lawrie, P. McNamee, J. Mayfield, D. Oard, N. Peng, N. Gao, Y. Lin, J. MacKin, and T. Dowd, "HLTCOE Participation in TAC KBP 2015: Cold Start and TEDL", InProceedings, Eighth Text Analysis Conference, November 2015, 1012 downloads.
  2. T. Wolfe, M. Dredze, J. Mayfield, P. McNamee, C. Harmon, T. Finin, and B. Van Durme, "Interactive Knowledge Base Population", Proceedings, arXiv:1506.00301 [cs.AI], May 2015, 1180 downloads.


  1. J. Mayfield, P. McNamee, C. Harmon, T. Finin, and D. Lawrie, "KELVIN: Extracting Knowledge from Large Text Collections", InProceedings, AAAI Fall Symposium on Natural Language Access to Big Data, November 2014, 1635 downloads.
  2. T. Finin, P. McNamee, D. Lawrie, J. Mayfield, and C. Harmon, "Hot Stuff at Cold Start: HLTCOE participation at TAC 2014", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 7th Text Analysis Conference, October 2014, 1470 downloads.


  1. P. McNamee, T. Finin, D. Lawrie, and J. Mayfield, "HLTCOE Participation at TAC 2013", InProceedings, Proceedings of the Sixth Text Analysis Conference, November 2013, 1183 downloads.
  2. D. Lawrie, T. Finin, J. Mayfield, and P. McNamee, "Comparing and Evaluating Semantic Data Automatically Extracted from Text,", InProceedings, AAAI 2013 Fall Symposium on Semantics for Big Data, November 2013, 1290 downloads.
  3. P. McNamee, J. Mayfield, T. Finin, T. Oates, D. Lawrie, T. Xu, and D. Oard, "KELVIN: a tool for automated knowledge base construction", InProceedings, Proc. Conf. of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, June 2013, 1497 downloads.
  4. L. Han, T. Finin, P. McNamee, A. Joshi, and Y. Yesha, "Improving Word Similarity by Augmenting PMI with Estimates of Word Polysemy", Article, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), June 2013, 2950 downloads.


  1. P. McNamee, v. Stoyanov, J. Mayfield, T. Finin, T. Oates, T. Xu, D. Oard, and D. Lawrie, "HLTCOE Participation at TAC 2012: Entity Linking and Cold Start Knowledge Base Construction", InProceedings, Proceedings of the Fifth Text Analysis Conference (TAC 2012), November 2012, 1439 downloads.


  1. L. Han, T. Finin, P. McNamee, A. Joshi, and Y. Yesha, "Improving Word Similarity by Augmenting PMI with Estimates of Word Polysemy", TechReport, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, June 2011.


  1. M. Dredze, P. McNamee, D. Rao, A. Gerber, and T. Finin, "Entity Disambiguation for Knowledge Base Population", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics, August 2010, 2583 downloads, 17 citations.


  1. P. McNamee, M. Dredze, A. Gerber, N. Garera, T. Finin, J. Mayfield, C. Piatko, D. Rao, D. Yarowsky, and M. Dreyer, "HLTCOE Approaches to Knowledge Base Population at TAC 2009", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 2009 Text Analysis Conference, November 2009, 1655 downloads, 6 citations.
  2. J. Mayfield, D. Alexander, B. J. Dorr, J. Eisner, T. Elsayed, T. Finin, C. Fink, M. Freedman, N. Garera, P. McNamee, D. Oard, C. Piatko, Z. Syed, R. Weischedel, D. Yarowsky, and e., "Cross-Document Coreference Resolution: A Key Technology for Learning by Reading", InProceedings, Proceedings of the AAAI 2009 Spring Symposium on Learning by Reading and Learning to Read, March 2009, 3553 downloads, 6 citations.
  3. T. Finin, Z. Syed, J. Mayfield, P. McNamee, and C. Piatko, "Using Wikitology for Cross-Document Entity Coreference Resolution", InProceedings, Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Learning by Reading and Learning to Read, March 2009, 3025 downloads, 7 citations.

Past Projects

  1. Cross language Information Retrieval, Ph.D. Student