Travis Wolfe
Johns Hopkins University
Computer Science
Computer Science
Travis Wolfe is PhD student at Johns Hopkins University. He is affiliated with the Center for Language and Speech Processing (CLSP) and the Human Language Technology Center of Excellence (HLTCOE). He did my undergraduate work in statistics at Carnegie Mellon University. His research interests are in statistical learning for understanding language. He has worked on entity-centric (entity linking, cross-document coreference resolution, and author attribute prediction) as well as event-centric (predicate linking) aspects of natural language inference. He is also interested in topic models and minimally supervised models of text.
- T. Wolfe, M. Dredze, J. Mayfield, P. McNamee, C. Harmon, T. Finin, and B. Van Durme, "Interactive Knowledge Base Population", Proceedings, arXiv:1506.00301 [cs.AI], May 2015, 1159 downloads.