- J. Lo, Y. Gui, and Y. Peng, "Training Deep Neural Networks with Gradual Deconvexification", InProceedings, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2016),, June 2016, 457 downloads.
- Y. Gui, "Convexification and Deconvexification for Training Artificial Neural Networks", PhdThesis, May 2016, 396 downloads.
- J. Lo, Y. Gui, and Y. Peng, "The Normalized Risk-Averting Error Criterion for Avoiding Nonglobal Local Minima in Training Neural Networks", Article, Neurocomputing, February 2015, 376 downloads.
- Y. Gui, J. Lo, and Y. Peng, "A pairwise algorithm for training multilayer perceptrons with the normalized risk-averting error criterion", InProceedings, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), July 2014, 458 downloads.
- J. Lo, Y. Gui, and Y. Peng, "Overcoming the Local-Minimum Problem in Training Multilayer Perceptrons with the NRAE Training Method", InProceedings, Ninth International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN 2012), July 2012, 416 downloads.