Dynamic Negotiation Agents in Mobile Computing
October 1, 2002 - October 1, 2005
A three year project funded by NSF (award number 0070802) directed by PI Anupam Joshi and CO-PIs Tim Finin, and Yelena Yesha and will be carried out 2000-2003 with $170,000 in funding from the NSF CCR Division of Computer-communication research under program officer Yuan-Chieh Chow.
With the advent of third and fourth generation wireless infrastructure, and the simultaneous emergency of pervasive connectivity for all devices based on bluetooth like systems and ad-hoc networks, a new vista is open for research in the area. We propose ideas for a research program aimed at realizing ubiquitous computing systems based on the cooperation of autonomous, dynamic and adaptive components (hardware as well as software) which are located in vicinity of one another. These systems will be composed of a collection of independently designed components that automatically become aware of each other, establish basic (wireless) communication, exchange information about their capabilities and requirements, discover and exchange APIs, and learn to cooperate effectively to accomplish their individual and collective goals. The proposed work will enable a new class of applications that effectively use mobility and pervasive computing. We address several research problems that span the fields of distributed computing, data management, and dynamic collaboration between components. The team of researchers is located at UMBC and UI-Chicago, and plans to interact closely with collaborators at industrial labs (IBM, Hughes, Sun).