DDRE: Managing the Assured Information Sharing Lifecycle
July 22, 2010
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AISL (Assured Information Sharing Lifecycle) is a MURI project that is developing new approaches to support assured information sharing. The team includes researchers from UMBC, Purdue University, and the Universities of Illinois, Michigan, Texas at Dallas, and Texas at San Antonio. Our research is framed by the recognition of a life cycle for shared information comprising five phases: advertising and discovery, negotiation for access and usage rights, integration and analysis, generation of new knowledge and data, and preparation of data for possible release. Our current research efforts are organized around four areas: (1) creating novel assured information sharing models and frameworks and new policy languages and systems that support them, (2) developing algorithms and systems for information integration, analysis and mining that assure quality and protect privacy, (3) analyzing social aspects of information sharing including incorporating incentives for sharing and exploiting knowledge of underlying social networks and relations, and (4) implementing and evaluating experimental software architectures and systems to realize the assured information sharing life cycle.