Sasikanth Avancha


Alumnus, Ph.D. Alumnus

University of Maryland Baltimore County
Computer Science, ITE 332, 1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250, USA

Graduated in August 2005



  1. L. Ding, P. Kolari, Z. Ding, S. Avancha, A. Joshi, and T. Finin, "Using Ontologies in the Semantic Web: A Survey", InBook, Ontologies A Handbook of Principles, Concepts and Applications in Information Systems, October 2005, 8910 downloads, 36 citations.
  2. S. Avancha, "A Holistic Approach to Secure Sensor Networks", PhdThesis, UMBC, August 2005, 3471 downloads.
  3. L. Ding, P. Kolari, Z. Ding, S. Avancha, and A. Joshi, "Using Ontologies in the Semantic Web: A Survey", TechReport, TR-CS-05-07, July 2005, 7792 downloads.


  1. S. Avancha, C. Patel, and A. Joshi, "Ontology-driven Adaptive Sensor Networks", InProceedings, MobiQuitous 2004, August 2004, 4675 downloads, 18 citations.
  2. S. Avancha, A. Joshi, and J. Pinkston, "Security for Sensor Networks", InBook, Wireless Sensor Networks, January 2004, 3919 downloads, 52 citations.


  1. S. Avancha, A. Joshi, and J. Pinkston, "Secure Sensor Networks for Perimeter Protection", Article, Computer Networks, November 2003, 3716 downloads, 30 citations.
  2. S. Avancha, D. Chakraborty, F. Perich, and A. Joshi, "Data and Services for Mobile Computing", InBook, Handbook of Internet Computing, October 2003, 7701 downloads.
  3. S. Avancha, P. D'Souza, F. Perich, A. Joshi, and Y. Yesha, "P2P M-Commerce in Pervasive Environments", Article, ACM SIGecom Exchanges, January 2003, 5118 downloads, 16 citations.


  1. T. Finin, A. Joshi, L. Kagal, O. V. Ratsimor, S. Avancha, V. Korolev, H. Chen, F. Perich, and R. S. Cost, "Intelligent Agents for Mobile and Embedded Devices", Article, International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, December 2002, 4006 downloads, 17 citations.
  2. S. Avancha, V. Korolev, A. Joshi, T. Finin, and Y. Yesha, "On Experiments with a Transport Protocol for Pervasive Computing Environments", Article, Computer Networks, November 2002, 3136 downloads, 3 citations.
  3. L. Kagal, V. Korolev, S. Avancha, A. Joshi, T. Finin, and Y. Yesha, "Centaurus : An Infrastructure for Service Management in Ubiquitous Computing", Article, ACM Wireless Networks Journal, November 2002, 2853 downloads, 19 citations.
  4. L. Kagal, V. Korolev, S. Avancha, A. Joshi, and T. Finin, "An Approach to Dynamic Service Management in Pervasive Computing", InProceedings, Proceedings of the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, October 2002, 3281 downloads.
  5. T. Finin, A. Joshi, L. Kagal, O. V. Ratsimor, S. Avancha, V. Korolev, H. Chen, F. Perich, and R. S. Cost, "Intelligent agents for mobile and embedded devices", Article, International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, September 2002, 1690 downloads.
  6. F. Perich, S. Avancha, D. Chakraborty, A. Joshi, and Y. Yesha, "Profile Driven Data Management for Pervasive Environments", InProceedings, 13th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2002), September 2002, 4926 downloads, 41 citations.
  7. S. Avancha, A. Joshi, and T. Finin, "Enhanced Service Discovery in Bluetooth", Article, IEEE Computer, June 2002, 3050 downloads, 61 citations.
  8. B. Bethala, A. Joshi, D. Phatak, S. Avancha, and T. Goff, "Design and Evaluation of a Common Access Point for Bluetooth, 802.11 and Wired LANs", InProceedings, Proc. International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, June 2002, 3293 downloads, 1 citation.
  9. D. Chakraborty, F. Perich, S. Avancha, and A. Joshi, "An Agent Discovery Architecture Using Ronin and DReggie", InProceedings, First GSFC/JPL Workshop on Radical Agent Concepts (WRAC), January 2002, 4051 downloads, 6 citations.
  10. S. Avancha, D. Chakraborty, H. Chen, L. Kagal, F. Perich, T. Finin, and A. Joshi, "Issues in Data Management for Pervasive Environments", InProceedings, NSF Workshop on Context-Aware Mobile Database Management, January 2002, 4364 downloads, 2 citations.


  1. S. Avancha, D. Chakraborty, L. Kagal, F. Perich, A. Joshi, T. Finin, and Y. Yesha, "An Integrated Architecture for Secure Information Discovery, Composition and Management in Pervasive Environments", TechReport, December 2001, 188 downloads.
  2. F. Perich, S. Avancha, A. Joshi, Y. Yesha, and K. P. Joshi, "Query Routing and Processing in Mobile Ad-Hoc Environments", TechReport, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, November 2001, 4966 downloads.
  3. S. Avancha, V. Korolev, A. Joshi, and T. Finin, "Transport Protocols in Wireless Networks", InProceedings, Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, October 2001, 4402 downloads, 6 citations.
  4. D. Chakraborty, F. Perich, S. Avancha, and A. Joshi, "DReggie: Semantic Service Discovery for M-Commerce Applications", InProceedings, Workshop on Reliable and Secure Applications in Mobile Environment, In Conjunction with 20th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS), October 2001, 5970 downloads, 96 citations.
  5. S. Avancha, D. Chakraborty, D. Gada, T. Kamdar, and A. Joshi, "Fast and Efficient Handoff Scheme using Forwarding Pointers and Heirarchical Foreign Agents", InProceedings, Proc. Conference on Design and Modeling of Wireless Networks, ITCom, August 2001.
  6. S. Avancha, A. Joshi, and T. Finin, "Enhancing the Bluetooth Service Discovery Protocol", TechReport, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, August 2001, 2049 downloads.

Past Projects

  1. , Student
  2. , Student
  3. , Student
  4. CentaurusComm, Student
  5. Semantic Service Discovery in Bluetooth, Student


  1. (Photo) Discussing shows (Person) Sasikanth Avancha.
  2. (Photo) Dr. Joshi and Dr. Avancha shows (Person) Sasikanth Avancha.