Proceedings of the Policy Management for the Web workshop

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Policy Management for the Web (PM4W) was a workshop held at WWW 2005 on 10 May 2005. It focused on the use of explicit policies for controlling access to and the behavior of services and information on the web and related computational environments. The workshop brought together researchers interested in the role of explicit, machine-interpretable policies to control programs, services, and agents on the Web. We believe that such policies will have a role to play in realizing the full potential of the Web as an open, dynamic, and distributed "universe of network-accessible information'". Policy management provides the openness, flexibility, and autonomy required to regulate this environment as entities can reason over their own policies and the policies of other entities to decide how to behave. Using policies also allows entities to specify the expected behavior of entities they interact with. Entities can also adapt to increasingly complex requirements without the need for substantial changes to the structure or implementation through the use of policies. Policy management includes policy specification, deployment, and reasoning over policies, updating and maintaining policies, and enforcement.

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