25th Annual HCIL Symposium and Open House. University of Maryland

Enabling Semantic Ecoblogging and Bioblitzes

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People currently create Eco-blogs: stories about wildlife they have seen or observations they've made. Similarly, citizen and scientists work together on Bioblitzes to comprehensively report as many species as possible from an area. Currently, none of this information is easily discovered or integrated. We developed and have tested two tools that aim to make it easier for individual scientists and citizens to convert their information to RDF and OWL. Of 1200 Blogger BioBlitz observations, 47 of them were of species defined as “of concern” by USFWS.

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ecoinformatics, rdf, semantic web


University of Maryland, College Park

Human Computer Interacton Lab

(Poster and demonstration)

Downloads: 2061 downloads

UMBC ebiquity