Cluster Computing

Dynamic Service Discovery for Mobile Computing: Intelligent Agents Meet Jini in the Aether

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The emergence of ad-hoc pervasive connectivity for devices based on Bluetooth-like systems provides a new way to create applications for mobile systems. We seek to realize ubiquitous computing systems based on the cooperation of autonomous, dynamic, and adaptive components (hardware as well as software) that are located in the vicinity of one another. In this paper, we present this vision. We also describe a prototype system we have developed that implements parts of this vision { in particular, a system that combines agent-oriented and service-oriented approaches and provides dynamic service discovery. We point out why existing systems, such as Jini are not suited for this task, and how our system improves on them.

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agent, bluetooth, jini, pervasive computing, semantics, service discovery, soa


Kluwer Academic Publishers.



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