Belle Tseng
Belle Tseng


NEC Laboratories America Inc.

Dr. Belle Tseng is a Senior Research Staff Member in NEC Laboratories America. Dr. Tseng is currently the leader of the Social Information Mining Group at NEC Labs, where she manages the research projects on relational data mining, social network analysis, user behavior modeling, multi-modality information fusion, and data-behavior integration. Prior to joining NEC, Dr. Tseng spent seven years as a Research Staff Member at IBM T.J. Watson ResearchCenter.

Belle Tseng



  1. A. Java, X. Song, T. Finin, and B. Tseng, "Why We Twitter: Understanding Microblogging Usage and Communities", InProceedings, Procedings of the Joint 9th WEBKDD and 1st SNA-KDD Workshop 2007, August 2007, 63735 downloads, 342 citations.