Elizabeth Sklar

Computer Science
Elizabeth Sklar is an Assistant Professor in the Computer and Information Science department at Brooklyn College of the City University of New York (CUNY). She received her PhD from Brandeis University in 2000, after working at MIT/Lincoln Lab for nearly 10 years as a scientific programmer. Dr Sklar spent four years as a non-tenure track faculty member in the Computer Science Dept at Columbia University. Her research lies at the intersection of artificial intelligence, multiagent systems and education technology. She is a PI or Co-PI on six recent NSF grants, all of which center around learning and interaction, in humans and/or multiagent systems; and she is actively involved in multiple outreach efforts. Dr Sklar received the RoboCup Scientific Challenge Award in 2002 for her work on evaluating the effectiveness of educational robotics. She is a founding chair of RoboCupJunior and is on the board of Trustees for the RoboCup Federation. She was co-chair of the ACM Java Engagement for Teacher Training (JETT) program and has served on the program committees for RoboCup, AAAI, AAMAS and on the organizing committees of many RoboCup events as well as hosting AAMAS-2004. She is a co-chair of the RoboCup International Symposium 2006 and of the Agent-Based Systems for Human Learning (ABSHL) Workshop to be held at AAMAS-2006.