Mohamed Eltoweissy

Mohamed Eltoweissy is a Chief Scientist of Secure Cyber Systems at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and adjunct Professor of ECE and CS at Virginia Tech. Before joining PNNL, Eltoweissy was with The Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Virginia Tech where he also held a courtesy appointment in the Department of Computer Science. His current research interests crosscuts the areas of security and trust, network architecture and protocols, and distributed cooperative systems and clouds for large-scale ubiquitous cyber-physical systems. Eltoweissy's recent contributions include elastic context-aware shared sensor-actuator networks, concern-oriented reference model and bio-inspired architecture for trustworthy future networks, dynamic key management for sensor and ad-hoc networks, and reputation management in ad hoc networks and service environments. Eltoweissy received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Old Dominion University in 1993 and his M.S. and B.S in Computer Engineering from Alexandria University, Egypt in 1989 and 1986, respectively. Eltoweissy also holds a certificate in Leadership and Management from the University of Notre Dame.