Ranjan Bose


IIT Delhi



  1. S. N. Narayanan, A. Joshi, and R. Bose, "ABATe: Automatic Behavioral Abstraction Technique to Detect Anomalies in Smart Cyber-Physical Systems", InProceedings, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, October 2020, 785 downloads.


  1. S. K. Singh, R. Bose, and A. Joshi, "Energy theft detection for AMI using principal component analysis based reconstructed data", Article, IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory & Applications, June 2019, 1071 downloads.


  1. S. K. Singh, R. Bose, and A. Joshi, "Entropy Based Electricity Theft Detection in AMI Network", Article, IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory and Applications, October 2017, 1231 downloads.
  2. S. K. Singh, K. Khanna, R. Bose, and A. Joshi, "Joint transformation based detection of false data injection attacks in smart grid", Article, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, June 2017, 1619 downloads.
  3. K. Chopra, R. Bose, and A. Joshi, "Secure Power Trading in Cooperative Relay Network With Asymmetric Cournot Duopoly Model", InProceedings, 12th Annual Symposium On Information Assurance (ASIA’17), May 2017, 942 downloads.
  4. K. Chopra, R. Bose, and A. Joshi, "Secrecy Outage of Cooperative Relay Network With and Without Eavesdropper's Direct Link", InProceedings, 23rd National Conference on Communications (NCC), March 2017, 1071 downloads.
  5. K. Chopra, R. Bose, and A. Joshi, "Secrecy Performance of Threshold-Based Decode-and-Forward Cooperative Cognitive Radio Network", Article, IET Communications 2017, February 2017, 853 downloads.


  1. K. Khanna, R. Bose, and A. Joshi, "On Detecting False Data Injection with Limited Network Information using Statistical Techniques", InProceedings, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Chicago, 2017, November 2016, 954 downloads.
  2. K. Chopra, R. Bose, and A. Joshi, "Secrecy Outage Performance of Cooperative Relay Network With Diversity Combining", InProceedings, IEEE 2nd International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (ICSIP’17), November 2016, 1133 downloads.
  3. K. Chopra, R. Bose, and A. Joshi, "Duopoly Models for Power Trading in Secure Cooperative Relay Networks", InProceedings, IEEE National Conference on Communications (NCC 2016), February 2016, 1116 downloads.