- S. K. Singh, R. Bose, and A. Joshi, "Entropy Based Electricity Theft Detection in AMI Network", Article, IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory and Applications, October 2017, 1231 downloads.
- S. K. Singh, K. Khanna, R. Bose, and A. Joshi, "Joint transformation based detection of false data injection attacks in smart grid", Article, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, June 2017, 1619 downloads.
- K. Chopra, R. Bose, and A. Joshi, "Secure Power Trading in Cooperative Relay Network With Asymmetric Cournot Duopoly Model", InProceedings, 12th Annual Symposium On Information Assurance (ASIA’17), May 2017, 942 downloads.
- K. Chopra, R. Bose, and A. Joshi, "Secrecy Outage of Cooperative Relay Network With and Without Eavesdropper's Direct Link", InProceedings, 23rd National Conference on Communications (NCC), March 2017, 1071 downloads.
- K. Chopra, R. Bose, and A. Joshi, "Secrecy Performance of Threshold-Based Decode-and-Forward Cooperative Cognitive Radio Network", Article, IET Communications 2017, February 2017, 853 downloads.
- K. Khanna, R. Bose, and A. Joshi, "On Detecting False Data Injection with Limited Network Information using Statistical Techniques", InProceedings, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Chicago, 2017, November 2016, 954 downloads.
- K. Chopra, R. Bose, and A. Joshi, "Secrecy Outage Performance of Cooperative Relay Network With Diversity Combining", InProceedings, IEEE 2nd International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (ICSIP’17), November 2016, 1133 downloads.
- K. Chopra, R. Bose, and A. Joshi, "Duopoly Models for Power Trading in Secure Cooperative Relay Networks", InProceedings, IEEE National Conference on Communications (NCC 2016), February 2016, 1116 downloads.