
January 1, 2005 - December 1, 2005

SemNews monitors different RSS News Sources and provides a structured representation of the meaning of the news. The meaning is extracted using OntoSem, a Natural Language Processing system that uses a constructed world model or an Ontology.

The extracted meaning from the RSS descriptions of the news articles are then converted into Semantic Web representation such as RDF. This is also stored in a Redland Triple store and lets users perform semantic queries over the documents. This enables them to search for information that would otherwise not be easy to find using simple keyword based search. It also makes available important and live new related automatically extracted meta-data and semantics to agents by publishing it in RDF.

The published RDF documents are also indexed by Swoogle, a semantic web search engine.

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Principal Faculty

  1. Sergei Nirenburg


  1. Akshay Java



  1. A. Java, T. Finin, and S. Nirenburg, "SemNews: A Semantic News Framework", InProceedings, Proceedings of the Twenty-First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-06), February 2006, 6250 downloads, 15 citations.
  2. A. Java, T. Finin, and S. Nirenburg, "Text understanding agents and the Semantic Web", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 39th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 2006, 8259 downloads, 19 citations.


  1. A. Java, T. Finin, and S. Nirenburg, "Integrating Language Understanding Agents Into the Semantic Web", InProceedings, First International Symposium on Agents and the Semantic Web, November 2005, 6137 downloads, 10 citations.


  1. SemNews AAAI 06 poster