Tags: cyber attack



  1. A. Piplai, M. Anoruo, K. Fasaye, A. Joshi, T. Finin, and A. Ridley, "Knowledge guided Two-player Reinforcement Learning for Cyber Attacks and Defenses", InProceedings, International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, December 2022, 862 downloads.


  1. S. Sontowski, M. Gupta, S. Chukkapalli, M. Abdelsalam, S. Mittal, A. Joshi, and R. Sandhu, "Cyber Attacks on Smart Farming Infrastructure", InProceedings, 6th IEEE International Conference on Collaboration and Internet Computing (IEEE CIC 2020), October 2020, 1218 downloads.


  1. P. Ranade, S. Mittal, A. Joshi, and K. P. Joshi, "Understanding Multi-lingual Threat Intelligence for AI based Cyber-defense Systems", InProceedings, IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security, October 2018, 891 downloads.
  2. D. Norris, L. Mateczun, A. Joshi, and T. Finin, "Cybersecurity at the Grassroots: American Local Governments and the Challenges of Internet Security", Article, Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, September 2018, 495 downloads.


  1. S. K. Singh, R. Bose, and A. Joshi, "Entropy Based Electricity Theft Detection in AMI Network", Article, IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory and Applications, October 2017, 1219 downloads.
  2. K. Khanna and A. Joshi, "AI based approach to identify compromised meters in data integrity attacks on smart grid", Article, IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, October 2017, 1016 downloads.


  1. S. More, "Situation Aware Intrusion Detection Model", MastersThesis, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, May 2012, 260 downloads.