- A. Patwardhan, F. Perich, A. Joshi, T. Finin, and Y. Yesha, "Querying in Packs: Trustworthy Data Management in Ad Hoc Networks", Article, International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, June 2006, 4289 downloads, 5 citations.
- A. Patwardhan, F. Perich, A. Joshi, T. Finin, and Y. Yesha, "Active Collaborations for Trustworthy Data Management in Ad Hoc Networks", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Sensor Systems, November 2005, 3707 downloads, 11 citations.
- F. Perich, L. Kagal, A. Joshi, T. Finin, and Y. Yesha, "In Reputation We Believe: Query Processing in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks", InProceedings, International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Networking and Services, August 2004, 4693 downloads, 32 citations.
- F. Perich, A. Cedilnik, L. Kagal, and A. Joshi, "A Secure Infrastructure for Service Discovery and Access in Pervasive Computing", Article, ACM Monet: Special Issue on Security in Mobile Computing Environments, October 2003, 4628 downloads, 44 citations.
- J. Pinkston, A. Joshi, and T. Finin, "A Target-Centric Ontology for Intrusion Detection", InProceedings, Workshop on Ontologies in Distributed Systems, held at The 18th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, July 2003, 1820 downloads, 50 citations.
- A. Choudhri, L. Kagal, A. Joshi, T. Finin, and Y. Yesha, "PatientService : Electronic Patient Record Redaction and Delivery in Pervasive Environments", InProceedings, Fifth International Workshop on Enterprise Networking and Computing in Healthcare Industry (Healthcom 2003), June 2003, 1698 downloads, 21 citations.
- L. Kagal, F. Perich, A. Joshi, and T. Finin, "A Security Architecture Based on Trust Management for Pervasive Computing Systems", InProceedings, Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, October 2002, 5784 downloads, 30 citations.
- L. Kagal, F. Perich, A. Joshi, Y. Yesha, and T. Finin, "Vigil: Providing Trust for Enhanced Security in Pervasive Systems", TechReport, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, August 2002, 5533 downloads, 11 citations.
- L. Kagal, T. Finin, and A. Joshi, "Developing Secure Agent Systems Using Delegation Based Trust Management", InProceedings, Security of Mobile Multi-Agent Systems Workshop, Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2002) , July 2002, 5530 downloads, 38 citations.
- L. Kagal, T. Finin, and A. Joshi, "On Security in Open Multi-Agent Systems", TechReport, UMBC, March 2002, 336 downloads.
- T. Finin, A. Joshi, L. Kagal, O. V. Ratsimor, and V. Korolev, "Information Agents for Mobile and Embedded Devices", InProceedings, Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop Cooperative Information Agents, September 2001, 4859 downloads, 17 citations.
- A. Cedilnik, L. Kagal, F. Perich, and A. Joshi, "A Secure Infrastructure for Service Discovery and Access in Pervasive Computing", TechReport, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, August 2001, 4567 downloads.
- L. Kagal, T. Finin, and Y. Peng, "A Delegation Based Model for Distributed Trust", InProceedings, Workshop on Autonomy, Delegation, and Control: Interacting with Autonomous Agents, International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence, August 2001, 1383 downloads, 69 citations.
- L. Kagal, T. Finin, R. S. Cost, and Y. Peng, "A Framework for Distributed Trust Management", InProceedings, Second Workshop on Norms and Institutions in multi-agent systems, May 2001, 4096 downloads, 1 citation.