Tags: information service

Past Projects

  1. Vigil / Secure Centaurus



  1. M. Halem, N. Most, C. Tilmes, K. Stewart, Y. Yesha, D. Chapman, and P. Nguyen, "Service-Oriented Atmospheric Radiances (SOAR): Gridding and Analysis Services for Multisensor Aqua IR Radiance Data for Climate Studies", Article, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, January 2009.


  1. R. S. Cost, T. Finin, S. Kallurkar, H. Majithia, C. Nicholas, Y. Shi, and I. Soboroff, "CARROT II: Collaborative Agent-based Routing and Retrieval of Text", TechReport, UMBC, September 2001, 129 downloads.