Tags: mean squared error



  1. A. Ganesan, F. Ferraro, and T. Oates, "Locality Preserving Loss to Align Vector Spaces", Article, arXiv:2004.03734 [cs.LG], April 2020, 475 downloads.


  1. Y. Gui, "Convexification and Deconvexification for Training Artificial Neural Networks", PhdThesis, May 2016, 370 downloads.


  1. J. Lo, Y. Gui, and Y. Peng, "The Normalized Risk-Averting Error Criterion for Avoiding Nonglobal Local Minima in Training Neural Networks", Article, Neurocomputing, February 2015, 340 downloads.


  1. Y. Gui, J. Lo, and Y. Peng, "A pairwise algorithm for training multilayer perceptrons with the normalized risk-averting error criterion", InProceedings, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), July 2014, 416 downloads.


  1. J. Lo, Y. Gui, and Y. Peng, "Overcoming the Local-Minimum Problem in Training Multilayer Perceptrons with the NRAE Training Method", InProceedings, Ninth International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN 2012), July 2012, 374 downloads.