Tags: prolog



  1. F. Perich, A. Cedilnik, L. Kagal, and A. Joshi, "A Secure Infrastructure for Service Discovery and Access in Pervasive Computing", Article, ACM Monet: Special Issue on Security in Mobile Computing Environments, October 2003, 4617 downloads, 44 citations.
  2. B. Grosof, M. Gandhe, and T. Finin, "SweetJess: Inferencing in Situated Courteous RuleML via Translation to and from Jess Rules", TechReport, May 2003, 2262 downloads.


  1. M. Gandhe, T. Finin, and B. Grosof, "SweetJess: Translating DamlRuleML to Jess", InProceedings, International Workshop on Rule Markup Languages for Business Rules on the Semantic Web in conjunction with ISWC2002, June 2002, 2817 downloads, 51 citations.
  2. H. Chen, S. Tolia, C. Sayers, T. Finin, and A. Joshi, "Creating Context-Aware Software Agents", InProceedings, Innovative Concepts for Agent-Based Systems, First International Workshop on Radical Agent Concepts, January 2002, 3775 downloads, 30 citations.


  1. A. Cedilnik, L. Kagal, F. Perich, and A. Joshi, "A Secure Infrastructure for Service Discovery and Access in Pervasive Computing", TechReport, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, August 2001, 4554 downloads.
  2. L. Kagal, T. Finin, and Y. Peng, "A Delegation Based Model for Distributed Trust", InProceedings, Workshop on Autonomy, Delegation, and Control: Interacting with Autonomous Agents, International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence, August 2001, 1370 downloads, 69 citations.
  3. L. Kagal, T. Finin, R. S. Cost, and Y. Peng, "A Framework for Distributed Trust Management", InProceedings, Second Workshop on Norms and Institutions in multi-agent systems, May 2001, 4065 downloads, 1 citation.


  1. T. Finin, "Pfc Users Manual", TechReport, August 1999, 286 downloads.


  1. Y. K. Labrou, "Semantics for an Agent Communication Language", PhdThesis, UMBC, August 1996, 359 downloads, 234 citations.


  1. M. Palmer, C. Weir, R. J. Passonneau, and T. Finin, "The Kernel Natural Language Processing System", Article, Artificial Intelligence, October 1993, 2800 downloads, 45 citations.


  1. T. Finin and J. McGuire, "Inheritance in Logic Programming Knowledge Bases", InBook, Inheritance Hierarchies in Knowledge Representation and Programming Languages, March 1991, 228 downloads.


  1. S. Schocken and T. Finin, "Meta-interpreters for rule-based inference under uncertainty", Article, Decision Support Systems, April 1990, 1200 downloads.


  1. T. Finin, R. Fritzson, and D. Matuszek, "Adding forward chaining and truth maintenance to Prolog", InProceedings, Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications, March 1989, 1587 downloads.
  2. T. Finin, "GUMS — A General User Modeling Shell", InBook, User Models in Dialog Systems, January 1989, 217 downloads.


  1. T. Finin, "Default Reasoning and Stereotypes in User Modelling", Article, International Journal of Expert Systems, September 1988, 228 downloads.
  2. T. Finin and J. McGuire, "A Hierarchical Database Model for a Logic Programming Language", TechReport, Department of Computer and Information Science, Technical Report No. MS-CIS-88-22., March 1988, 436 downloads.
  3. T. Finin and J. McGuire, "A Hierarchical Database Model for a Logic Programming Language", TechReport, University of Pennsylvania, March 1988, 223 downloads.


  1. S. Schocken and T. Finin, "Prolog Meta-Interpreters for Rule-Based Inference Under Uncertainty", TechReport, New York University, September 1987, 355 downloads.


  1. T. Finin and D. Drager, "GUMS1 : A General User Modeling System", InProceedings, Proceedings of the Sixth Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, May 1986, 179 downloads.
  2. T. Finin and D. Drager, "GUMS1: A General User Modeling System", InProceedings, Proceedings of the workshop on Strategic computing natural language of the Human Language Technology Conference, May 1986, 2756 downloads, 46 citations.


  1. T. Finin, J. McAdams, and P. Kleinosky, "FOREST - An Expert System for Automatic Test Equipment", InProceedings, First IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligent Applications, December 1984, 161 downloads.

Old News

  1. SweetRules v2.1 released
    April 25, 2005

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  1. RAP: RDF Access-control Policies.
    February 2, 2005