- E. Rukzio, M. Paolucci, T. Finin, P. Wisner, and T. Payne, "Proceedings of the workshop on Mobile Interaction with the Real World (MIRW 2006)", Proceedings, September 2006, 217 downloads.
- S. Agarwal, A. Joshi, T. Finin, and Y. Yesha, "A Pervasive Computing System for the Operating Room of the Future", TechReport, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, September 2006, 4862 downloads.
- N. Vartak, A. Patwardhan, A. Joshi, T. Finin, and P. Nagy, "Protecting the privacy of passive RFID tags", TechReport, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, September 2006, 3344 downloads.
- S. Agarwal, A. Joshi, and T. Finin, "Context-Aware System to Create Electronic Medical Records", TechReport, July 2006, 3366 downloads.
- S. Agarwal, "Context-Aware System to Create Electronic Medical Encounter Records", MastersThesis, May 2006, 2953 downloads, 2 citations.
- N. Vartak, "Protecting the privacy of RFID tags", MastersThesis, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, May 2006, 3357 downloads.
Old Events
- Research Challenges In Data Mining
April 22, 2008 - IBM RFID Solutions and Their Business Values
April 18, 2008 - Context-Aware System to Create Electronic Medical Encounter Records
May 3, 2006 - Protecting the privacy of RFID tags
May 1, 2006 - Protecting the privacy of RFID tags
April 26, 2006 - Electronic Medical Records
April 19, 2006 - A Context Aware Surgical Training Environment
March 15, 2006 - A cost-effective approach to protecting RFID tag identity
February 22, 2006 - Activity recognition from RFID sensor data
September 25, 2005 - Trauma Pod
April 13, 2005