- P. K. Das, D. Ghosh, P. Jagtap, A. Joshi, and T. Finin, "Preserving User Privacy and Security in Context-Aware Mobile Platforms", InBook, Mobile Application Development, Usability, and Security, October 2016, 1499 downloads.
- R. Yus, P. Pappachan, P. K. Das, E. Mena, A. Joshi, and T. Finin, "FaceBlock: Privacy-Aware Pictures for Google Glass", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 12th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services, June 2014, 3496 downloads.
- P. K. Das, A. Joshi, and T. Finin, "Energy efficient sensing for managing context and privacy on smartphones", InProceedings, First Workshop on Society, Privacy and the Semantic Web - Policy and Technology (PrivOn 2013) co-located with the 12th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2013), Sydney, Australia., October 2013, 1489 downloads.
- P. K. Das, D. Ghosh, A. Joshi, and T. Finin, "ACM HotMobile 2013 Poster: An Energy Efficient Semantic Context Model for Managing Privacy on Smartphones", Article, SIGMOBILE Mob. Comput. Commun. Rev., July 2013, 5890 downloads.
- E. Rukzio, M. Paolucci, T. Finin, P. Wisner, and T. Payne, "Mobile Interaction with the Real World", Proceedings, Proceedings of the 8th conference on human-computer interaction with mobile devices and services (MobileHCI '06), September 2006, 156 downloads.
- E. Rukzio, M. Paolucci, T. Finin, P. Wisner, and T. Payne, "Proceedings of the workshop on Mobile Interaction with the Real World (MIRW 2006)", Proceedings, September 2006, 205 downloads.