Tags: support vector machine
- W. Li, A. Joshi, and T. Finin, "SVM-CASE: An SVM-based Context Aware Security Framework for Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks", InProceedings, 82nd IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, September 2015, 1584 downloads.
- J. Martineau, "Identifying and Isolating Text Classification Signals from Domain and Genre Noise for Sentiment Analysis", PhdThesis, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, December 2011, 2720 downloads.
- W. Li, A. Joshi, and T. Finin, "ATM: Automated Trust Management for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks Using Support Vector Machine", InProceedings, 12th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM 2011), June 2011, 1834 downloads.
- J. Sleeman and T. Finin, "Learning Co-reference Relations for FOAF Instances", InProceedings, Proceedings of the Poster and Demonstration Session at the 9th International Semantic Web Conference, November 2010, 3045 downloads, 2 citations.
- W. Li, A. Joshi, and T. Finin, "SMART: An SVM-based Misbehavior Detection and Trust Management Framework for Mobile Ad hoc Networks", TechReport, October 2010, 333 downloads.
- V. Mulwad, "T2LD - An automatic framework for extracting, interpreting and representing tables as Linked Data", MastersThesis, UMBC, August 2010, 3723 downloads.
- M. A. Grasso, T. Finin, X. Zhu, A. Joshi, and Y. Yesha, "Video Summarization of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomies", InProceedings, Proceedings of the AMIA 2009 Annual Symposium, November 2009, 2312 downloads.
- J. Martineau, T. Finin, A. Joshi, and S. Patel, "Improving Binary Classification on Text Problems using Differential Word Features", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, November 2009, 5363 downloads, 4 citations.
- J. Martineau and T. Finin, "Delta TFIDF: An Improved Feature Space for Sentiment Analysis", InProceedings, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web and Social Media, May 2009, 7607 downloads, 5 citations.
- Y. Shi, "An Investigation of Linguistic Information for Speech Recognition Error Detection", PhdThesis, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, October 2008, 3506 downloads.
- Y. Peng and L. L. Augsburger, "Knowledge-Based Systems and Other AI Applications for Tableting", InBook, Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms, January 2008, 3308 downloads.
- P. Kolari, T. Finin, and A. Joshi, "SVMs for the Blogosphere: Blog Identification and Splog Detection", InProceedings, AAAI Spring Symposium on Computational Approaches to Analysing Weblogs, March 2006, 14511 downloads, 112 citations.
Old Events
- Estimating Temporal Boundaries For Events Using Social Media Data
June 15, 2011 - A Security Framework to Cope With Node Misbehaviors in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
June 14, 2011 - Detecting Domain Shift
September 3, 2010 - Prediction of Oscar Award Nominations Based on Movie Scripts
July 6, 2010 - SMART: A SVM-based Misbehavior Detection and Trust Management Framework for Mobile Ad hoc Networks
May 18, 2010 - Feature Engineering for Sentiment
November 18, 2008