Workshop on Emergency Management: Incident, Resource and Supply Chain Management
Intelligent Agents and UICDS
November 5, 2009
UICDS is a prototype system being developed for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science & Technology (S&T) Directorate. UICDS will provide a middleware foundation supporting better information awareness and sharing between commercial and government incident management systems to prevent, protect, respond, and recover from emergency and catastrophic situations. Its current architecture is founded on design requirements from the National Response Framework, National Incident Management System, and the Incident Command System. The aim of UICDS is to allow emergency responders to capture important incident-related information, analyze captured information, more effectively disseminate mission-critical information to emergency responders, present decision guidance options for the emergency response community, effectively coordinate efforts of emergency responders, and store incident-related information for analysis.
UC Irvine
Center for Emergency Response Technologies
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