
Displaying publications 21 through 40 out of 1074.



  1. V. S. Kumar, V. Mulwad, J. W. Williams, T. Finin, S. Dixit, and A. Joshi, "Knowledge Graph-driven Tabular Data Discovery from Scientific Documents", InProceedings, Joint Workshops at 49th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDBW’23) — TaDA’23: Tabular Data Analysis Workshop, September 2023, 651 downloads.
  2. A. Piplai, A. Kotal, S. Mohseni, M. Gaur, S. Mittal, and A. Joshi, "Knowledge-Enhanced Neurosymbolic Artificial Intelligence for Cybersecurity and Privacy", Article, IEEE Internet Computing, September 2023, 218 downloads.
  3. A. Hamid, H. R. Samidi, T. Finin, P. Pappachan, and R. Yus, "PrivacyLens: A Framework to Collect and Analyze the Landscape of Past, Present, and Future Smart Device Privacy Policies", Article, CoRR abs/2308.05890, August 2023, 259 downloads.
  4. A. Kotal, N. Das, and A. Joshi, "Knowledge Infusion in Privacy Preserving Data Generation", InProceedings, KDD Workshop on Knowledge-infused Learning, 29TH ACM SIGKDD,, August 2023, 271 downloads.
  5. A. Piplai, "Knowledge Graphs and Reinforcement Learning: A Hybrid Approach for Cybersecurity Problems", PhdThesis, July 2023, 307 downloads.
  6. S. R. Dipta, M. Rezaee, and F. Ferraro, "Semantically-informed Hierarchical Event Modeling", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 12th Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics, July 2023, 185 downloads.
  7. D. Dahiphale, A. Wadkar, and K. P. Joshi, "CDFMR: A Distributed Statistical Analysis of Stock Market Data using MapReduce with Cumulative Distribution Function", InProceedings, IEEE CLOUD Summit Conference 2023, July 2023, 306 downloads.
  8. J. Clavin and K. P. Joshi, "Policy Integrated Blockchain to Automate HIPAA Part 2 Compliance", InProceedings, IEEE International Conference on Digital Health (ICDH) 2023 in IEEE World Congress on Services 2023, July 2023, 287 downloads.
  9. V. Mulwad, V. S. Kumar, J. W. Williams, T. Finin, S. Dixit, and A. Joshi, "Towards Semantic Exploration of Tables in Scientific Documents", InProceedings, Workshop on Semantic Technologies for Scientific, Technical and Legal Data, Extended Semantic Web Conference, May 2023, 573 downloads.
  10. N. M. Gowrishetty, S. Chukkapalli, and A. Joshi, "Bewitching the Battlefield: Repurposing the MouseJack Attack for Crazyflie Drones", InProceedings, INFOCOM Workshop on Security, Privacy, and Digital Forensics of Mobile Systems and Networks, May 2023, 233 downloads.
  11. R. Walid, K. P. Joshi, and S. Choi, "Semantically Rich Differential Access to Secure Cloud EHR", InProceedings, 9th IEEE International Conference on Big Data Security on Cloud (BigDataSecurity 2023), May 2023, 363 downloads.
  12. M. Rezaee and F. Ferraro, "RevUp: Revise and Update Information Bottleneck for Event Representation", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, May 2023, 239 downloads.
  13. F. Lu, E. Raff, and F. Ferraro, "Neural Bregman Divergences for Distance Learning", InProceedings, 11th International Conference on Learning Representations, May 2023, 145 downloads.
  14. A. Piplai, A. Joshi, and T. Finin, "Offline RL+CKG: A hybrid AI model for cybersecurity tasks", InProceedings, AAAI Spring Symposium on Challenges Requiring the Combination of Machine Learning and Knowledge Engineering, March 2023, 335 downloads.
  15. V. Mulwad, T. Finin, V. S. Kumar, J. W. Williams, S. Dixit, and A. Joshi, "A Practical Entity Linking System for Tables in Scientific Literature", InProceedings, Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Scientific Document Understanding at AAAI-2023, February 2023, 733 downloads.
  16. M. Gaur, "Targeted Knowledge Infusion To Make Conversational AI Explainable and Safe", Proceedings, AAAI23 New Faculty Highlights, February 2023, 335 downloads.
  17. P. Ranade, "Knowledge-Embedded Narrative Construction from Open Source Intelligence", InProceedings, Thirty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-23) Doctoral Consortium, February 2023, 554 downloads.
  18. K. Roy, M. Gaur, M. Soltani, V. Rawte, and A. Sheth, "ProKnow: Process knowledge for safety constrained and explainable question generation for mental health diagnostic assistance", Article, Frontiers in Big Data, January 2023, 141 downloads.


  1. U. Lokala, F. Lamay, R. Daniulaityte, M. Gaur, A. Gyrard, K. Thirunarayan, U. Kursuncu, and A. Sheth, "Drug Abuse Ontology to Harness Web-Based Data for Substance Use Epidemiology Research: Ontology Development Study", Article, JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, December 2022, 456 downloads.
  2. A. Piplai, M. Anoruo, K. Fasaye, A. Joshi, T. Finin, and A. Ridley, "Knowledge guided Two-player Reinforcement Learning for Cyber Attacks and Defenses", InProceedings, International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, December 2022, 770 downloads.