
Displaying publications 941 through 960 out of 1073.



  1. R. S. Cost, "A framework for developing conversational agents", PhdThesis, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, August 1999, 698 downloads.
  2. T. Finin, "Pfc Users Manual", TechReport, August 1999, 217 downloads.
  3. Y. K. Labrou and T. Finin, "Experiments on using Yahoo! categories to describe documents", InProceedings, Proceedings of the IJCAI99 Workshop on Intelligent Information Integration, July 1999, 2379 downloads, 2 citations.
  4. T. Finin and B. Grosof, "Artificial Intelligence for Electronic Commerce", Proceedings, AAAI Press, July 1999.
  5. X. Luan, Y. Peng, and T. Finin, "Learning in Broker Agent", InProceedings, Proceedings of the Sixteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI-99, July 1999, 61 downloads.
  6. Y. Chen, Y. Peng, Y. K. Labrou, R. S. Cost, and T. Finin, "Negotiating agents for supply chain management", InProceedings, Proceedings of the AAAI Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Electronic Commerce, July 1999, 2935 downloads, 14 citations.
  7. Y. Chen, Y. Peng, T. Finin, Y. K. Labrou, and R. S. Cost, "Negotiating Agents for Supply Chain Management", InProceedings, AAAI Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Electronic Commerce, July 1999, 126 downloads.
  8. R. S. Cost, Y. Chen, T. Finin, Y. K. Labrou, and Y. Peng, "Modeling agent conversations with colored petri nets", InProceedings, Working notes of the Autonomous Agents '99 Workshop on Specifying and Implementing Conversation Policies, May 1999, 3362 downloads, 114 citations.
  9. R. S. Cost, T. Finin, Y. K. Labrou, X. Luan, Y. Peng, I. Soboroff, J. Mayfield, and A. Boughannam, "Agent development with Jackal", InProceedings, Third annual conference on Autonomous Agents, May 1999, 1035 downloads.
  10. Y. Chen, Y. Peng, T. Finin, Y. K. Labrou, B. Chu, J. Yao, R. Sun, and R. Wilhelm, "A negotiation-based Multi-agent System for Supply Chain Management", InProceedings, Workshop on supply chain management, International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, April 1999, 737 downloads.
  11. A. Joshi, "On Mobility and Agents", InProceedings, DIMACS Workshop on Mobile Networks and Computing, March 1999, 2842 downloads, 2 citations.
  12. Y. K. Labrou, T. Finin, and Y. Peng, "The current landscape of Agent Communication Languages", Article, IEEE Intelligent Systems, March 1999, 2341 downloads, 446 citations.
  13. Y. K. Labrou, T. Finin, and Y. Peng, "The Interoperability Problem: Bringing together Mobile Agents and Agent Communication Languages,", InProceedings, Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference On System Sciences, January 1999, 2628 downloads, 29 citations.
  14. Y. Peng, T. Finin, Y. K. Labrou, R. S. Cost, B. Chu, J. Long, J. Long, and A. Boughannam, "An agent-based approach for manufacturing integration: The CIIMPLEX experience", Article, Applied Artificial Intelligence, January 1999, 1326 downloads.


  1. Y. Peng, T. Finin, Y. K. Labrou, B. Chu, J. Long, W. Tolone, and A. Boughannam, "A multi-agent system for enterprise integration", Article, International Journal of Agile Manufacturing, December 1998, 2501 downloads, 81 citations.
  2. W. Tolone, B. Chu, J. Long, R. Wilhelm, Y. Peng, A. Boughannam, and T. Finin, "Supporting Human Interactions within Integrated Manufacturing Systems", Article, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing, December 1998, 1362 downloads, 3 citations.
  3. M. A. Grasso, D. Ebert, and T. Finin, "The Integrality of Speech in Multimodal Interfaces", Article, ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, November 1998, 3727 downloads, 69 citations.
  4. M. A. Rabi, T. Finin, A. Sherman, and Y. K. Labrou, "Secure Knowledge Query Manipulation Language: a security infrastructure for agent communication languages", TechReport, UMBC, November 1998, 65 downloads.
  5. H. Bharadvaj, A. Joshi, and S. Auephanwiriyakul, "An Active Transcoding Proxy to Support Mobile Web Access", InProceedings, 17th IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, October 1998, 3876 downloads, 176 citations.
  6. A. Joshi and V. Subramanyam, "Security in Mobile Systems", InProceedings, Workshop on Security in Large Scale Distributed Systems, IEEE SRDS, October 1998, 78 downloads, 6 citations.