Brian Blake

Computer Science
M. Brian Blake is an Associate Professor in Department of Computer Science at Georgetown University. Dr. Blake conducts applied research in the development of automated approaches for the sharing of information and capabilities across organizational boundaries, sometimes referred to as enterprise integration. With respect to this area of interest, his investigations cover the spectrum of software engineering: design, specification, proof of correctness, implementation/experimentation, performance evaluation, and application. He has published over 80 journal articles and refereed conference papers in the areas of service-oriented computing, intelligent agents and workflow, enterprise systems integration, component-based software engineering, distributed data management, and software engineering education. His work has been funded by the National Science Foundation, DARPA, Federal Aviation Administration, the MITRE Corporation, Air Force Research Lab, SAIC, and the National Institute of Health.
Dr. Blake was the program chair for the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2006) and currently the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Enterprise Computing (EDOC2007). Dr. Blake founded the Web Services Challenge (, the first venue that looks to benchmark both research and industry applications for composing software services. Dr. Blake serves on the editorial board of the MultiAgent and Grid Systems Journal and the Journal of E-Business Research. He also serves on the National Science Foundations, CISE, Advisory Board. In 2007, Dr. Blake was recognized as one of the 2007 Top 10 Emerging Scholars by Diverse: Issues and Higher Education magazine. Dr. Blake has over 12 years experience as a full-time software engineer and/or consultant for companies such as General Electric, Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, and The MITRE Corporation. He received the Bachelor of Electrical Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology and PhD in Information and Software Engineering from George Mason University. More information about Dr. Blake can be found at