- W. Li, J. Parker, and A. Joshi, "Security Through Collaboration and Trust in MANETs", Article, Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET), June 2012, 158 downloads.
- W. Li, J. Parker, and A. Joshi, "Security through Collaboration in MANETs", InProceedings, Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing (CollaborateCom 2008), November 2008, 2355 downloads, 1 citation.
- A. Joshi, T. Finin, L. Kagal, J. Parker, and A. Patwardhan, "Security Policies and Trust in Ubiquitous Computing", Article, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, October 2008, 2832 downloads, 1 citation.
- A. Patwardhan, J. Parker, M. Iorga, A. Joshi, T. Karygiannis, and Y. Yesha, "Threshold-based Intrusion Detection in Ad Hoc Networks and Secure AODV", Article, Ad Hoc Networks Journal (ADHOCNET), May 2007, 3434 downloads, 16 citations.
- J. Parker, A. Patwardhan, F. Perich, A. Joshi, and T. Finin, "Trust in Pervasive Computing", Article, The Handbook of Mobile Middleware , February 2006, 2101 downloads, 1 citation.
- J. Parker, A. Patwardhan, and A. Joshi, "Cross-layer Analysis for Detecting Wireless Misbehaviour", Proceedings, IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference Special Sessions, January 2006, 4283 downloads, 13 citations.
- A. Patwardhan, J. Parker, A. Joshi, M. Iorga, and T. Karygiannis, "Secure Routing and Intrusion Detection in Ad Hoc Networks", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, March 2005, 7572 downloads, 96 citations.
- L. Kagal, J. Parker, H. Chen, A. Joshi, and T. Finin, "Security, Privacy and Trust in Mobile Computing Environments", InBook, Handbook of Mobile Computing, Editors Imad Mahgoub and Mohammad Ilyas, December 2004, 3 citations.
- J. Parker, J. Pinkston, and A. Joshi, "On Intrusion Detection in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks", InProceedings, 23rd IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference -- Workshop on Information Assurance , April 2004, 5038 downloads, 15 citations.
Past Projects
- Distributed Trust Management in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Ph.D. Student
- Intrusion Detection, Student
- Security in Battlefield MANETs, Ph.D. Student
- (Photo) Jim Parker shows (Person) Jim Parker.
- (Photo) Jim Parker shows (Person) Jim Parker.