Robert Kass




  1. R. Kass and T. Finin, "General user modeling: a facility to support intelligent interaction", InBook, Intelligent User Interfaces, May 1991, 139 downloads.


  1. R. Kass and T. Finin, "The Role of User Models in Cooperative Interactive Systems", Article, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, January 1989, 1751 downloads.


  1. R. Kass and T. Finin, "The Need for User Models in Generating Expert System Explanations", Article, International Journal of Expert Systems, October 1988, 1607 downloads.
  2. R. Kass and T. Finin, "A General User Modelling Facility", InProceedings, Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems, May 1988, 1163 downloads, 27 citations.
  3. R. Kass and T. Finin, "Modeling the user in natural language systems", Article, Computational Linguistics , January 1988, 3176 downloads, 126 citations.


  1. R. Kass and T. Finin, "Rules for the Implicit Acquisition of Knowledge About the User", InProceedings, Proceedings of the Sixth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-87), July 1987, 1164 downloads.
  2. R. Kass, R. Katriel, and T. Finin, "Breaking the Primitive Concept Barrier", InProceedings, Proceedings of the Third Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications, February 1987, 150 downloads.