Sheri Trewin

Guest Speaker
Thomas J. Watson Research Center
Dr Shari Trewin is an HCI researcher at IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, New York. Her long standing research focus has been in supporting technology users with physical, sensory or cognitive impairments. Shari has been working with people with disabilities since 1989. As part of the Accessibility Research Group, she has looked at accessibility in virtual worlds (PowerUp), Web browsing (Web Adaptation Technology and accessibilityWorks), physical control of technology (Steady Clicks, Keyboard Optimizer and Dynamic Keyboard), preferences, and personalization. She is collaborating with researchers at the University of Dundee, Scotland, and the University of Miami in an examination of the technology requirements of older workers. She recently joined the Software Productivity Group where she hopes to blend her interests in users with her background in artificial intelligence and parallel programming into something useful.