Secure and Oblivious Cloud Storage and Deletion

June 1, 2014 - August 1, 2019
Cloud based storage services are increasingly being used by consumers for their enterprise storage needs. Cloud storage service should provide confidentiality and integrity along with high availability and reliability. These often contradicting requirements results in research challenges that this project aims to address.
This project addressed the open issues with developing an Oblivious Cloud storage architecture.
This project was a joint collaboration between UMBC and USNA. This project was sponsored by Office of Naval Research.
Principal Faculty
Affiliated Faculty
- M. P. Joshi, K. P. Joshi, and T. Finin, "Delegated Authorization Framework for EHR Services using Attribute Based Encryption", Article, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, November 2021, 1692 downloads.
- M. P. Joshi, S. Mittal, K. P. Joshi, and T. Finin, "Semantically Rich, Oblivious Access Control Using ABAC for Secure Cloud Storage", InProceedings, Proceedings of the First IEEE International Conference on Edge Computing, June 2017, 1760 downloads.
- V. Narkhede, K. P. Joshi, T. Finin, S. Choi, A. Aviv, and D. S. Roche, "Managing Cloud Storage Obliviously", InProceedings, International Conference on Cloud Computing, June 2016, 1804 downloads.
- D. S. Roche, A. Aviv, and S. Choi, "A Practical Oblivious Map Data Structure with Secure Deletion and History Independence.", InProceedings, IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, May 2016, 1457 downloads.
Research Areas
- (Project) Secure and Oblivious Cloud Storage and Deletion has related publication (Publication) Managing Cloud Storage Obliviously