Tags: agentcities

Past Projects

  1. TAGA



  1. Y. Zou, "Agent-Based Services for the Semantic Web", PhdThesis, UMBC, Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, August 2004, 6376 downloads, 4 citations.


  1. Y. Zou, T. Finin, L. Ding, H. Chen, and R. Pan, "Using Semantic web technology in Multi-Agent systems: a case study in the TAGA Trading agent environment", InProceedings, Proceeding of the 5th International Conference on Electronic Commerce, September 2003, 4227 downloads, 47 citations.
  2. Y. Zou, T. Finin, L. Ding, H. Chen, and R. Pan, "TAGA: Travel Market Framework in Agentcities (Demonstration)", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, August 2003, 195 downloads.
  3. Y. Zou, T. Finin, L. Ding, H. Chen, and R. Pan, "TAGA: Trading Agent Competition in Agentcities", InProceedings, Workshop on Trading Agent Design and Analysis, held at 18th Int. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence,, August 2003, 171 downloads.
  4. S. Cranefield, T. Finin, V. Tamma, and S. Willmott, "Proceedings of the Workshop on Ontologies in Agent Systems (OAS'03", Proceedings, CEUR Publications, July 2003, 3292 downloads.


  1. S. Tolia, D. Khushraj, and T. Finin, "ITTalks Event Notification Service", InProceedings, Workshop on Challenges in Open Agent Systems, Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, July 2002, 255 downloads.

Web Site

  1. TAGA