- Y. Zou, T. Finin, L. Ding, H. Chen, and R. Pan, "Using Semantic web technology in Multi-Agent systems: a case study in the TAGA Trading agent environment", InProceedings, Proceeding of the 5th International Conference on Electronic Commerce, September 2003, 4227 downloads, 47 citations.
- Y. Zou, T. Finin, L. Ding, H. Chen, and R. Pan, "TAGA: Travel Market Framework in Agentcities (Demonstration)", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, August 2003, 195 downloads.
- Y. Zou, T. Finin, L. Ding, H. Chen, and R. Pan, "TAGA: Trading Agent Competition in Agentcities", InProceedings, Workshop on Trading Agent Design and Analysis, held at 18th Int. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence,, August 2003, 171 downloads.
- S. Cranefield, T. Finin, V. Tamma, and S. Willmott, "Proceedings of the Workshop on Ontologies in Agent Systems (OAS'03", Proceedings, CEUR Publications, July 2003, 3292 downloads.
- S. Tolia, D. Khushraj, and T. Finin, "ITTalks Event Notification Service", InProceedings, Workshop on Challenges in Open Agent Systems, Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, July 2002, 255 downloads.