- A. Kotal, L. Elluri, D. Gupta, V. Mandalapu, and A. Joshi, "Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing in Agriculture: Enforcing Policy Rules for Secure and Confidential Data Synthesis", InProceedings, IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData), December 2023, 423 downloads.
- A. Piplai, "Knowledge Graphs and Reinforcement Learning: A Hybrid Approach for Cybersecurity Problems", PhdThesis, July 2023, 404 downloads.
- M. Gaur, "Targeted Knowledge Infusion To Make Conversational AI Explainable and Safe", Proceedings, AAAI23 New Faculty Highlights, February 2023, 428 downloads.
- M. Gaur, K. Gunaratna, S. Bhatt, and A. Sheth, "Knowledge-Infused Learning: A Sweet Spot in Neuro-Symbolic AI", Article, IEEE Internet Computing, August 2022, 427 downloads.
- F. Lu, F. Ferraro, and E. Raff, "Continuously Generalized Ordinal Regression for Linear and Deep Models", InProceedings, SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, April 2022, 308 downloads.
- S. Dasgupta, A. Piplai, P. Ranade, and A. Joshi, "Cybersecurity Knowledge Graph Improvement with Graph Neural Networks", InProceedings, International Conference on Big Data, December 2021, 604 downloads.
- J. Sleeman, I. Stajner, C. Keller, M. Halem, C. Hamer, R. Montuoro, B. Baker, and e., "The Integration of Artificial Intelligence for Improved Operational Air Quality Forecasting", InProceedings, AGU Fall Meeting 2021, December 2021.
- D. Ziaei, J. Sleeman, M. Halem, V. Caicedo, R. M. Delgado, and B. Demoz, "Convolutional LSTM for Planetary Boundary Layer Height (PBLH) Prediction", InProceedings, AAAI 2021 Spring Symposium on Combining Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning with Physical Sciences, March 2021, 552 downloads.
- Z. Ali, D. Ziaei, J. Sleeman, Z. Yang, and M. Halem, "LSTMs for Inferring Planetary Boundary Layer Height (PBLH)", InProceedings, AAAI 2021 Spring Symposium on Combining Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning with Physical Sciences, March 2021, 574 downloads.
- S. Dasgupta, A. Piplai, A. Kotal, and A. Joshi, "A Comparative Study of Deep Learning based Named Entity Recognition Algorithms for Cybersecurity", InProceedings, IEEE International Conference on Big Data 2020, December 2020, 1202 downloads.
- K. P. Joshi and S. Saha, "A Semantically Rich Framework for Knowledge Representation of Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)", Article, Digital Government: Research and Practice, December 2020, 472 downloads.
- Z. Boukouvalas, C. Mallinson, E. Crothers, N. Japkowicz, A. Piplai, S. Mittal, A. Joshi, and T. Adali, "Independent Component Analysis for Trustworthy Cyberspace during High Impact Events: An Application to Covid-19", Article, arXiv:2006.01284 [cs.LG], June 2020, 545 downloads.
- A. Bandi, K. P. Joshi, and V. Mulwad, "Affinity Propagation Initialisation Based Proximity Clustering For Labeling in Natural Language Based Big Data Systems", InProceedings, 6th IEEE International Conference on Big Data Security on Cloud (BigDataSecurity 2020), May 2020, 551 downloads.
- J. Sleeman, J. E. Dorband, and M. Halem, "A hybrid quantum enabled RBM advantage: convolutional autoencoders for quantum image compression and generative learning", InProceedings, Quantum Information Science, Sensing, and Computation XII, May 2020, 522 downloads.
- M. M. Rahman and T. Finin, "Unfolding the Structure of a Document using Deep Learning", arXiv:1910.03678, September 2019, 622 downloads.
- N. Pillai, F. Ferraro, and C. Matuszek, "Deep Learning for Category-Free Grounded Language Acquisition", NAACL Workshop on Spatial Language Understanding and Grounded Communication for Robotics, June 2019, 434 downloads.
- A. Pingle, A. Piplai, S. Mittal, A. Joshi, J. Holt, and R. Zak, "RelExt: Relation Extraction using Deep Learning approaches for Cybersecurity Knowledge Graph Improvement", InProceedings, IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2019), May 2019, 1063 downloads.
- J. Sleeman, "Variational Autoencoders using D-Wave Quantum Annealing", InProceedings, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting Abstracts, December 2018.
- M. M. Rahman and T. Finin, "Understanding and representing the semantics of large structured documents", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Semantic Deep Learning (SemDeep-4, ISWC), October 2018, 927 downloads.
- M. M. Rahman, "Understanding the Logical and Semantic Structure of Large Documents", PhdThesis, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, May 2018, 545 downloads.
- M. M. Rahman and T. Finin, "Deep Understanding of a Document's Structure", InProceedings, 4th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Big Data Computing, Applications and Technologies, December 2017, 1459 downloads.
- S. Saha and K. P. Joshi, "Cognitive Assistance for Automating the Analysis of the Federal Acquisition Regulations System", InProceedings, AAAI Fall Symposium 2017, November 2017, 631 downloads.
- M. M. Rahman and T. Finin, "Understanding the Logical and Semantic Structure of Large Documents", Article, arXiv e-print, September 2017, 1088 downloads.
- S. Saha, K. P. Joshi, and A. Gupta, "A Deep Learning Approach to Understanding Cloud Service Level Agreements ", InProceedings, Fifth International IBM Cloud Academy Conference, May 2017, 1404 downloads.