Tags: diagnosis



  1. O. Clark, T. Reynolds, E. Ugwuabonyi, and K. P. Joshi, "Exploring the Impact of Increased Health Information Accessibility in Cyberspace on Trust and Self-care Practices", InProceedings, The 2024 ACM Workshop on Secure and Trustworthy Cyber-Physical Systems (SaT-CPS '24), June 2024, 294 downloads.


  1. K. Roy, Y. Zi, V. Narayanan, M. Gaur, and A. Sheth, "KSAT: Knowledge-infused Self Attention Transformer -- Integrating Multiple Domain-Specific Contexts", TechReport, arXiv:2210.04307 [cs.CL], October 2022, 204 downloads.


  1. R. Ayanzadeh, M. Halem, and T. Finin, "Solving Hard SAT Instances with Adiabatic Quantum Computers", American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2018, abstract #IN41B-27, December 2018.


  1. A. Kench, V. P. Janeja, Y. Yesha, N. Rishe, M. A. Grasso, and A. Niskar, "Clinico-genomic Data Analytics for Precision Diagnosis and Disease Management", InProceedings, International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI), November 2015, 1366 downloads.
  2. M. A. Grasso, D. D. DiRenzo, Y. Yesha, N. Rishe, and A. Niskar, "Validation of a Large Rheumatoid Arthritis Cohort and Preventive Health Screening", Article, Arthritis & Rheunatology, November 2015.


  1. P. Pappachan, R. Yus, A. Joshi, and T. Finin, "Rafiki: A Semantic and Collaborative Approach to Community Health-care in Underserved Areas", InProceedings, 10th IEEE International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing (CollaborateCom 2014), October 2014, 1743 downloads.
  2. P. Pappachan, "A Semantic and Collaborative Approach to Community Health-care in Underserved Areas", MastersThesis, UMBC, July 2014, 1479 downloads.


  1. M. desJardins, A. Ciavolino, R. Deloatch, and E. Feasley, "Playing to Program: Towards an Intelligent Programming Tutor for RUR-PLE", InProceedings, Proceedings of the Second Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence, August 2011, 1850 downloads.


  1. J. Parker, A. Patwardhan, and A. Joshi, "Cross-layer Analysis for Detecting Wireless Misbehaviour", Proceedings, IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference Special Sessions, January 2006, 4287 downloads, 13 citations.


  1. M. A. Grasso, "Speech Input in Multimodal Environments: Effects of Perceptual Structure on Speed, Accuracy, and Acceptance", PhdThesis, May 1997, 3019 downloads, 1 citation.


  1. R. Patil, R. Fikes, P. Patel-Schneider, D. P. McKay, T. Finin, T. Gruber, and R. Neches, "The DARPA Knowledge Sharing Effort: Progress Report", InProceedings, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Principles Of Knowledge Representation And Reasoning, August 1992, 3134 downloads, 301 citations.


  1. T. Finin and G. Morris, "Abductive reasoning in multiple fault diagnosis", Article, Artificial Intelligence Review, July 1989, 1197 downloads.


  1. T. Finin, J. McAdams, and P. Kleinosky, "FOREST - An Expert System for Automatic Test Equipment", InProceedings, First IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligent Applications, December 1984, 178 downloads.