Tags: lexicon



  1. L. Han, "Schema Free Querying of Semantic Data", PhdThesis, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, August 2014, 1572 downloads.


  1. A. Java, S. Nirenburg, M. McShane, T. Finin, J. English, and A. Joshi, "Using a Natural Language Understanding System to Generate Semantic Web Content", Article, International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems, November 2007, 3829 downloads, 13 citations.


  1. A. Java, S. Nirenburg, M. McShane, T. Finin, J. English, and A. Joshi, "Using a Natural Language Understanding System to Generate Semantic Web Content", TechReport, October 2006, 3067 downloads.


  1. T. Finin and B. Webber, "BUP, a bottom up parser", TechReport, University of Pennsylvania, November 1984, 112 downloads.