Tags: swoogle



  1. K. Viswanathan and T. Finin, "Text Based Similarity Metrics and Delta for Semantic Web Graphs", InProceedings, Proceedings of the Poster Session of 9th International Semantic Web Conference, November 2010, 2545 downloads.
  2. J. Sleeman and T. Finin, "Computing FOAF Co-reference Relations with Rules and Machine Learning", InProceedings, Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Social Data on the Web at ISWC2010, November 2010, 4123 downloads, 30 citations.
  3. K. Viswanathan and T. Finin, "Text Based Similarity and Delta for Semantic Web Graphs", TechReport, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, August 2010, 2562 downloads.
  4. K. Viswanathan, "Text Based Similarity Metrics and Delta for Semantic Web Graphs", MastersThesis, UMBC, June 2010, 1639 downloads.
  5. J. Sleeman and T. Finin, "A Machine Learning Approach to Linking FOAF Instances", InProceedings, Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Linked Data Meets Artificial Intelligence, January 2010, 2662 downloads, 5 citations.


  1. L. Han, Y. Yesha, R. Salkeld, J. Martineau, L. Ding, A. Joshi, and T. Finin, "Finding Appropriate Semantic Web Ontology Terms from Words", TechReport, May 2009, 2382 downloads.


  1. T. Briggs, "Constraint Generation and Reasoning in OWL", PhdThesis, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, November 2008, 4543 downloads.
  2. J. Sachs, L. Han, T. Wang, and C. Parr, "Bioblitz Data on the Semantic Web", InProceedings, International Semantic Web Conference (Posters & Demos), September 2008, 1377 downloads.
  3. L. Han and T. Finin, "Predicting Appropriate Semantic Web Terms from Words", InProceedings, Proceedings of the Twenty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, July 2008, 2444 downloads.


  1. C. Parr, J. Sachs, L. Han, T. Wang, and T. Finin, "RDF123 and Spotter: Tools for generating OWL and RDF for biodiversity data in spreadsheets and unstructured text", InProceedings, Proceedings of Biodiversity Information Standards Annual Conference (TDWG 2007), October 2007, 2177 downloads, 3 citations.
  2. T. Finin, J. Sachs, and C. Parr, "Finding Data, Knowledge, and Answers on the Semantic Web", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 20th International FLAIRS Conference, February 2007, 2799 downloads, 1 citation.


  1. L. Ding and T. Finin, "Characterizing the Semantic Web on the Web", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 5th International Semantic Web Conference, November 2006, 6812 downloads, 82 citations.
  2. T. Finin, L. Ding, and A. Joshi, "Information Integration and the Semantic Web", InProceedings, Notes from the Information Integration Workshop, October 2006, 6368 downloads, 2 citations.
  3. J. Sachs, C. Parr, A. Parafiynyk, R. Pan, L. Han, L. Ding, T. Finin, A. Hollender, and T. Wang, "Using the Semantic Web to Support Ecoinformatics", InProceedings, Proceedings of the AAAI Fall Symposium on the Semantic Web for Collaborative Knowledge Acquisition , October 2006, 7201 downloads, 6 citations.
  4. L. Han, L. Ding, R. Pan, and T. Finin, "Swoogle's Metadata about the Semantic Web", TechReport, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, May 2006, 2510 downloads.
  5. C. Parr, A. Parafiynyk, J. Sachs, L. Ding, S. Dornbush, T. Finin, T. Wang, and A. Hollender, "Integrating Ecoinformatics Resources on the Semantic Web", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 15th International World Wide Web Conference, May 2006, 2548 downloads, 4 citations.
  6. T. Finin and L. Ding, "Search Engines for Semantic Web Knowledge", InProceedings, Proceedings of XTech 2006: Building Web 2.0, May 2006, 28398 downloads, 14 citations.
  7. L. Ding, "Enhancing Semantic Web Data Access", PhdThesis, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, April 2006, 6854 downloads, 8 citations.


  1. T. Finin, L. Ding, L. Zhou, and A. Joshi, "Social Networking on the Semantic Web", Article, The Learning Organization, December 2005, 8570 downloads, 2 citations.
  2. L. Ding, R. Pan, T. Finin, A. Joshi, Y. Peng, and P. Kolari, "Finding and Ranking Knowledge on the Semantic Web", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 4th International Semantic Web Conference, November 2005, 13514 downloads, 130 citations.
  3. L. Ding, T. Finin, A. Joshi, Y. Peng, P. Pinheiro da Silva, and D. L. McGuinness, "Tracking RDF Graph Provenance using RDF Molecules", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 4th International Semantic Web Conference, November 2005, 6762 downloads, 47 citations.
  4. L. Ding, T. Finin, A. Joshi, Y. Peng, R. Pan, and P. Reddivari, "Search on the Semantic Web", Article, IEEE Computer, October 2005, 3951 downloads, 66 citations.
  5. L. Ding, A. Joshi, Y. Peng, R. Pan, P. Reddivari, and T. Finin, "Search on the Semantic Web", TechReport, TR-CS-05-09, September 2005, 10635 downloads.
  6. T. Finin, L. Ding, R. Pan, A. Joshi, P. Kolari, A. Java, and Y. Peng, "Swoogle: Searching for knowledge on the Semantic Web", InProceedings, AAAI 05 (intelligent systems demo), July 2005, 5819 downloads, 35 citations.
  7. L. Ding and T. Finin, "Boosting Semantic Web Data Access Using Swoogle", InProceedings, AAAI-05: Twentieth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, July 2005, 1153 downloads.
  8. L. Ding, L. Zhou, T. Finin, and A. Joshi, "How the Semantic Web is Being Used:An Analysis of FOAF Documents", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on System Sciences, January 2005, 14584 downloads, 116 citations.
  9. T. Finin, J. Mayfield, C. Fink, A. Joshi, and R. S. Cost, "Information Retrieval and the Semantic Web", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on System Sciences, January 2005, 17163 downloads, 51 citations.
  10. L. Ding, T. Finin, and A. Joshi, "Analyzing Social Networks on the Semantic Web", Article, IEEE Intelligent Systems, January 2005, 9077 downloads, 20 citations.


  1. L. Ding, T. Finin, A. Joshi, R. Pan, R. S. Cost, Y. Peng, P. Reddivari, V. C. Doshi, and J. Sachs, "Swoogle: A Search and Metadata Engine for the Semantic Web", InProceedings, Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management , November 2004, 29878 downloads, 467 citations.