- K. Viswanathan and T. Finin, "Text Based Similarity Metrics and Delta for Semantic Web Graphs", InProceedings, Proceedings of the Poster Session of 9th International Semantic Web Conference, November 2010, 2628 downloads.
- J. Sleeman and T. Finin, "Computing FOAF Co-reference Relations with Rules and Machine Learning", InProceedings, Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Social Data on the Web at ISWC2010, November 2010, 4219 downloads, 30 citations.
- K. Viswanathan and T. Finin, "Text Based Similarity and Delta for Semantic Web Graphs", TechReport, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, August 2010, 2641 downloads.
- K. Viswanathan, "Text Based Similarity Metrics and Delta for Semantic Web Graphs", MastersThesis, UMBC, June 2010, 1704 downloads.
- J. Sleeman and T. Finin, "A Machine Learning Approach to Linking FOAF Instances", InProceedings, Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Linked Data Meets Artificial Intelligence, January 2010, 2729 downloads, 5 citations.
- L. Han, Y. Yesha, R. Salkeld, J. Martineau, L. Ding, A. Joshi, and T. Finin, "Finding Appropriate Semantic Web Ontology Terms from Words", TechReport, UMBC, May 2009, 2464 downloads.
- T. Briggs, "Constraint Generation and Reasoning in OWL", PhdThesis, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, November 2008, 4651 downloads.
- J. Sachs, L. Han, T. Wang, and C. Parr, "Bioblitz Data on the Semantic Web", InProceedings, International Semantic Web Conference (Posters & Demos), September 2008, 1437 downloads.
- L. Han and T. Finin, "Predicting Appropriate Semantic Web Terms from Words", InProceedings, Proceedings of the Twenty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, July 2008, 2517 downloads.
- C. Parr, J. Sachs, L. Han, T. Wang, and T. Finin, "RDF123 and Spotter: Tools for generating OWL and RDF for biodiversity data in spreadsheets and unstructured text", InProceedings, Proceedings of Biodiversity Information Standards Annual Conference (TDWG 2007), October 2007, 2246 downloads, 3 citations.
- T. Finin, J. Sachs, and C. Parr, "Finding Data, Knowledge, and Answers on the Semantic Web", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 20th International FLAIRS Conference, February 2007, 2859 downloads, 1 citation.
- L. Ding and T. Finin, "Characterizing the Semantic Web on the Web", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 5th International Semantic Web Conference, November 2006, 6919 downloads, 82 citations.
- T. Finin, L. Ding, and A. Joshi, "Information Integration and the Semantic Web", InProceedings, Notes from the Information Integration Workshop, October 2006, 6487 downloads, 2 citations.
- J. Sachs, C. Parr, A. Parafiynyk, R. Pan, L. Han, L. Ding, T. Finin, A. Hollender, and T. Wang, "Using the Semantic Web to Support Ecoinformatics", InProceedings, Proceedings of the AAAI Fall Symposium on the Semantic Web for Collaborative Knowledge Acquisition , October 2006, 7300 downloads, 6 citations.
- L. Han, L. Ding, R. Pan, and T. Finin, "Swoogle's Metadata about the Semantic Web", TechReport, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, May 2006, 2570 downloads.
- C. Parr, A. Parafiynyk, J. Sachs, L. Ding, S. Dornbush, T. Finin, T. Wang, and A. Hollender, "Integrating Ecoinformatics Resources on the Semantic Web", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 15th International World Wide Web Conference, May 2006, 2620 downloads, 4 citations.
- T. Finin and L. Ding, "Search Engines for Semantic Web Knowledge", InProceedings, Proceedings of XTech 2006: Building Web 2.0, May 2006, 28701 downloads, 14 citations.
- L. Ding, "Enhancing Semantic Web Data Access", PhdThesis, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, April 2006, 7008 downloads, 8 citations.
- T. Finin, L. Ding, L. Zhou, and A. Joshi, "Social Networking on the Semantic Web", Article, The Learning Organization, December 2005, 8640 downloads, 2 citations.
- L. Ding, R. Pan, T. Finin, A. Joshi, Y. Peng, and P. Kolari, "Finding and Ranking Knowledge on the Semantic Web", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 4th International Semantic Web Conference, November 2005, 13648 downloads, 130 citations.
- L. Ding, T. Finin, A. Joshi, Y. Peng, P. Pinheiro da Silva, and D. L. McGuinness, "Tracking RDF Graph Provenance using RDF Molecules", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 4th International Semantic Web Conference, November 2005, 6865 downloads, 47 citations.
- L. Ding, T. Finin, A. Joshi, Y. Peng, R. Pan, and P. Reddivari, "Search on the Semantic Web", Article, IEEE Computer, October 2005, 4024 downloads, 66 citations.
- L. Ding, A. Joshi, Y. Peng, R. Pan, P. Reddivari, and T. Finin, "Search on the Semantic Web", TechReport, TR-CS-05-09, September 2005, 10769 downloads.
- T. Finin, L. Ding, R. Pan, A. Joshi, P. Kolari, A. Java, and Y. Peng, "Swoogle: Searching for knowledge on the Semantic Web", InProceedings, AAAI 05 (intelligent systems demo), July 2005, 5893 downloads, 35 citations.
- L. Ding and T. Finin, "Boosting Semantic Web Data Access Using Swoogle", InProceedings, AAAI-05: Twentieth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, July 2005, 1217 downloads.
- L. Ding, L. Zhou, T. Finin, and A. Joshi, "How the Semantic Web is Being Used:An Analysis of FOAF Documents", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on System Sciences, January 2005, 14756 downloads, 116 citations.
- T. Finin, J. Mayfield, C. Fink, A. Joshi, and R. S. Cost, "Information Retrieval and the Semantic Web", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on System Sciences, January 2005, 17258 downloads, 51 citations.
- L. Ding, T. Finin, and A. Joshi, "Analyzing Social Networks on the Semantic Web", Article, IEEE Intelligent Systems, January 2005, 9152 downloads, 20 citations.
- L. Ding, T. Finin, A. Joshi, R. Pan, R. S. Cost, Y. Peng, P. Reddivari, V. C. Doshi, and J. Sachs, "Swoogle: A Search and Metadata Engine for the Semantic Web", InProceedings, Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management , November 2004, 30122 downloads, 467 citations.
Old Events
- Text Based Similarity Metrics and Deltas for Semantic Web Graphs
October 5, 2010 - Text Based Similarity Metrics and Delta for Semantic Web Graphs
June 28, 2010 - Problems in Semantic Search
September 8, 2009 - Semantic Web Search Engines: Research problems
April 15, 2009 - Constraint Generation and Reasoning in OWL
November 17, 2008 - Predicting Appropriate Semantic Web Terms from Words
February 26, 2008 - Linked Data
October 1, 2007 - Finding knowledge, data and answers on the Semantic Web
October 11, 2006 - Finding knowledge, data and answers on the Semantic Web
July 17, 2006 - Searching for Knowledge and Data on the Semantic Web
June 2, 2006