- Z. Boukouvalas, C. Mallinson, E. Crothers, N. Japkowicz, A. Piplai, S. Mittal, A. Joshi, and T. Adali, "Independent Component Analysis for Trustworthy Cyberspace during High Impact Events: An Application to Covid-19", Article, arXiv:2006.01284 [cs.LG], June 2020, 552 downloads.
- A. Piplai, S. Chukkapalli, and A. Joshi, "NAttack! Adversarial Attacks to bypass a GAN based classifier trained to detect Network intrusion", InProceedings, 6th IEEE International Conference on Big Data Security on Cloud, May 2020, 1225 downloads.
- R. Ayanzadeh, M. Halem, and T. Finin, "Compressive Geospatial Analytics", InProceedings, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2019, December 2019.
- O. M. Singh, A. Padia, and A. Joshi, "Named Entity Recognition for Nepali Language", Article, arXiv:1908.05828 [cs.CL], August 2019, 926 downloads.
- P. K. Das, A. Joshi, and T. Finin, "Capturing policies for fine-grained access control on mobile devices", InProceedings, 2nd IEEE International Conference on Collaboration and Internet Computing (CIC 2016), Pittsburgh, PA, USA, November 1-3, 2016, November 2016, 1383 downloads.
- K. Khanna and A. Joshi, "Feasibility and mitigation of false data injection attacks in smart grid", InProceedings, IEEE 6th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), 2016 , March 2016, 1000 downloads.
- M. Halem, N. Most, C. Tilmes, K. Stewart, Y. Yesha, D. Chapman, and P. Nguyen, "Service-Oriented Atmospheric Radiances (SOAR): Gridding and Analysis Services for Multisensor Aqua IR Radiance Data for Climate Studies", Article, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, January 2009.
- M. Halem, Y. Yesha, C. Tilmes, D. Chapman, N. Most, and A. Bertolli, "SOAR: A System for the Analysis of Atmospheric Radiances", InProceedings, EOS Transactions, December 2007.
- C. Parr, J. Sachs, L. Han, T. Wang, and T. Finin, "RDF123 and Spotter: Tools for generating OWL and RDF for biodiversity data in spreadsheets and unstructured text", InProceedings, Proceedings of Biodiversity Information Standards Annual Conference (TDWG 2007), October 2007, 2277 downloads, 3 citations.
- T. Finin, J. Sachs, and C. Parr, "Finding Data, Knowledge, and Answers on the Semantic Web", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 20th International FLAIRS Conference, February 2007, 2881 downloads, 1 citation.
- T. Finin and L. Ding, "Search Engines for Semantic Web Knowledge", InProceedings, Proceedings of XTech 2006: Building Web 2.0, May 2006, 28803 downloads, 14 citations.
- P. Kolari, T. Finin, and A. Joshi, "SVMs for the Blogosphere: Blog Identification and Splog Detection", InProceedings, AAAI Spring Symposium on Computational Approaches to Analysing Weblogs, March 2006, 14530 downloads, 112 citations.
- L. Ding, T. Finin, A. Joshi, R. Pan, R. S. Cost, Y. Peng, P. Reddivari, V. C. Doshi, and J. Sachs, "Swoogle: A Search and Metadata Engine for the Semantic Web", InProceedings, Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management , November 2004, 30227 downloads, 467 citations.
- T. Finin, "CRA Policy Blog Available as an RSS Channel", Article, Computing Research News, September 2004, 141 downloads.
- R. Patil, R. Fikes, P. Patel-Schneider, D. P. McKay, T. Finin, T. Gruber, and R. Neches, "The DARPA Knowledge Sharing Effort: Progress Report", InProceedings, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Principles Of Knowledge Representation And Reasoning, August 1992, 3133 downloads, 301 citations.
- R. Neches, R. Fikes, T. Finin, T. Gruber, R. Patil, T. Senator, and W. Swartout, "Enabling Technology for Knowledge Sharing", Article, AI Magazine, August 1991, 2904 downloads, 1202 citations.
- T. Finin, "The Semantic Interpretation of Nominal Compounds", InProceedings, Proceedings of the First Annual National Conf. on Artificial Intelligence , August 1980, 3487 downloads, 51 citations.
- T. Finin, "The Semantic Interpretation of Compound Nominals", PhdThesis, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, February 1980, 2064 downloads, 85 citations.
- D. L. Waltz, T. Finin, F. Green, F. Conrad, B. Goodman, and G. D. Hadden, "The Planes System: Natural Language Access to a Large Data Base", TechReport, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign, November 1976, 277 downloads.
Old Events
- Analytics for Detecting Web and Social Media Abuse
March 16, 2012 - High Resolution Decadal Gridding of NASA Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) Earth Monitoring Instrument.
March 1, 2012 - Data Provenance Management for Earth Science Reproducibility
March 24, 2010 - A Hybrid Approach to Unsupervised Relation Discovery via Linguistic Analysis, Entropy-based Label Ranking and Semantic Typing
October 27, 2009 - Problems in Semantic Search
September 8, 2009 - Use of Context and Policies in Declarative Networked Systems
May 20, 2008 - Provenance Tracking in Climate Science Data Processing Systems
March 4, 2008 - Reconfigurable Supercomputing: the Progress, the Challenges and the Potential
February 9, 2007 - Finding knowledge, data and answers on the Semantic Web
October 11, 2006 - NOWHERE: A Knowledge Level Agent Programming Infrastructure
September 5, 2006