Tags: geo



  1. K. Darvish, E. Raff, F. Ferraro, and C. Matuszek, "Multimodal Language Learning for Object Retrieval in Low Data Regimes in the Face of Missing Modalities", Article, Transactions on Machine Learning Research, October 2023, 275 downloads.
  2. F. Lu, E. Raff, and F. Ferraro, "Neural Bregman Divergences for Distance Learning", InProceedings, 11th International Conference on Learning Representations, May 2023, 175 downloads.


  1. P. Ranade, S. Dey, A. Joshi, and T. Finin, "Computational Understanding of Narratives: A Survey", Article, IEEE Access, September 2022, 560 downloads.


  1. Z. Ali, D. Ziaei, J. Sleeman, Z. Yang, and M. Halem, "LSTMs for Inferring Planetary Boundary Layer Height (PBLH)", InProceedings, AAAI 2021 Spring Symposium on Combining Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning with Physical Sciences, March 2021, 574 downloads.


  1. R. Ayanzadeh, M. Halem, and T. Finin, "Compressive Geospatial Analytics", InProceedings, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2019, December 2019.


  1. P. Ranade, S. Mittal, A. Joshi, and K. P. Joshi, "Understanding Multi-lingual Threat Intelligence for AI based Cyber-defense Systems", InProceedings, IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security, October 2018, 891 downloads.


  1. A. Kench, V. P. Janeja, Y. Yesha, N. Rishe, M. A. Grasso, and A. Niskar, "Clinico-genomic Data Analytics for Precision Diagnosis and Disease Management", InProceedings, International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI), November 2015, 1355 downloads.
  2. A. A. Krisnadhi, Y. Hu, K. Janowicz, P. Hitzler, R. Arko, S. Carbotte, C. Chandler, M. Cheatham, D. Fils, T. Finin, P. Ji, M. Jones, N. Karima, K. Lehnert, A. Mickle, and T. Narock, "The GeoLink Modular Oceanography Ontology", InProceedings, 14th International Semantic Web Conference, October 2015, 1081 downloads.
  3. A. A. Krisnadhi, Y. Hu, K. Janowicz, P. Hitzler, R. Arko, S. Carbotte, C. Chandler, M. Cheatham, D. Fils, T. Finin, P. Ji, M. Jones, N. Karima, K. Lehnert, A. Mickle, and T. Narock, "The GeoLink Modular Oceanography Ontology", InProceedings, 14th International Semantic Web Conference, October 2015, 1085 downloads.
  4. A. A. Krisnadhi, R. Arko, S. Carbotte, C. Chandler, M. Cheatham, T. Finin, P. Hitzler, K. Janowicz, T. Narock, L. Raymond, and P. Wiebe, "Ontology Pattern Modeling for Cross-Repository Data Integration in the Ocean Sciences: The Oceanographic Cruise Example", InBook, The Semantic Web in Earth and Space Science: Current Status and Future Directions, June 2015, 1431 downloads.
  5. L. Zavala, P. K. Murukannaiah, N. Poosamani, T. Finin, A. Joshi, I. Rhee, and M. Singh, "Platys: From Position to Place- Oriented Mobile Computing", Article, AI Magazine, June 2015, 1347 downloads.


  1. A. A. Krisnadhi, R. Arko, S. Carbotte, C. Chandler, M. Cheatham, T. Finin, P. Hitzler, K. Janowicz, T. Narock, L. Raymond, A. Shepherd, and P. Wiebe, "An Ontology Pattern for Oceanograhic Cruises: Towards an Oceanograhper's Dream of Integrated Knowledge Discovery", TechReport, June 2014, 1002 downloads.
  2. A. A. Krisnadhi, R. Arko, S. Carbotte, C. Chandler, T. Finin, M. Cheatham, P. Hitzler, K. Janowicz, T. Narock, L. Raymond, A. Shepherd, and P. Wiebe, "An Ontology Pattern for Oceanographic Cruises: Towards an Oceanographer's Dream of Integrated Knowledge Discovery", TechReport, Wright State University, January 2014, 273 downloads.


  1. A. Lahane, Y. Yesha, M. A. Grasso, A. Joshi, and e., "Detection of Unsafe Action from Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Video", InProceedings, Proceedings of ACM SIGHIT International Health Informatics Symposium, January 2012, 1818 downloads.


  1. J. Martineau, "Identifying and Isolating Text Classification Signals from Domain and Genre Noise for Sentiment Analysis", PhdThesis, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, December 2011, 2720 downloads.
  2. P. Jagtap, A. Joshi, T. Finin, and L. Zavala, "Preserving Privacy in Context-Aware Systems", InProceedings, Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing, October 2011, 1954 downloads.
  3. P. Jagtap, "Privacy Preservation in Context Aware Systems", MastersThesis, May 2011, 1648 downloads.
  4. P. Jagtap, A. Joshi, T. Finin, and L. Zavala, "Privacy Preservation in Context Aware Geosocial Networking Applications", TechReport, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, May 2011, 2140 downloads.


  1. C. Fink, C. Piatko, J. Mayfield, D. Chou, T. Finin, and J. Martineau, "The Geolocation of Web Logs from Textual Clues", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, August 2009, 1757 downloads, 2 citations.
  2. C. Fink, C. Piatko, J. Mayfield, T. Finin, and J. Martineau, "Geolocating Blogs From Their Textual Content", InProceedings, Working Notes of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Social Semantic Web: Where Web 2.0 Meets Web 3.0, March 2009, 3994 downloads, 1 citation.


  1. A. Java, "Mining Social Media Communities and Content", PhdThesis, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, December 2008, 56965 downloads.


  1. A. Java, X. Song, T. Finin, and B. Tseng, "Why We Twitter: Understanding Microblogging Usage and Communities", InProceedings, Procedings of the Joint 9th WEBKDD and 1st SNA-KDD Workshop 2007, August 2007, 63721 downloads, 342 citations.
  2. P. Ordonez, P. A. Kodeswaran, V. Korolev, W. Li, O. Walavalkar, A. Joshi, T. Finin, Y. Yesha, and I. George, "A Ubiquitous Context-Aware Environment for Surgical Training", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 4th Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems, August 2007, 2606 downloads, 1 citation.
  3. A. Parafiynyk, C. Parr, J. Sachs, and T. Finin, "Adding Semantics to Social Websites for Citizen Science", InProceedings, Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic e-Science (AAAI 07), June 2007, 6175 downloads, 3 citations.


  1. P. A. Bonatti, L. Ding, T. Finin, and D. Olmedilla, "Proceedings of the Second Semantic Web Policy Workshop", Proceedings, CEUR, November 2006, 4007 downloads.
  2. A. A. Nanavati, S. Gurumurthy, G. Das, D. Chakraborty, K. Dasgupta, S. Mukherjea, and A. Joshi, "On the Structural Properties of Massive Telecom Call Graphs: Findings and Implications", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 15th ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management, November 2006, 5245 downloads.


  1. V. Parekh, J. (. Gwo, and T. Finin, "Ontology based Semantic Metadata for GeoScience Data", InProceedings, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering, June 2004, 5764 downloads, 1 citation.
  2. M. Cornwell, J. E. Just, and L. Kagal, "Autonomic Policy-Based Collaboration for Cross-Agency Human Teams", InProceedings, Conference on the Human Impact and Application of Autonomic Computing Systems (CHIACS2), April 2004, 3936 downloads.


  1. O. V. Ratsimor, V. Korolev, A. Joshi, T. Finin, and Y. Yesha, "Agents2Go: An Infrastructure for Location-Dependent Service Discovery in the Mobile Electronic Commerce Environment", InProceedings, ACM Mobile Commerce Workshop, July 2001, 5415 downloads, 39 citations.


  1. T. Finin and B. Grosof, "Artificial Intelligence for Electronic Commerce", Proceedings, AAAI Press, July 1999.


  1. W. Tolone, B. Chu, J. Long, R. Wilhelm, Y. Peng, A. Boughannam, and T. Finin, "Supporting Human Interactions within Integrated Manufacturing Systems", Article, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing, December 1998, 1447 downloads, 3 citations.