Tags: probability distribution
- D. Dahiphale, A. Wadkar, and K. P. Joshi, "CDFMR: A Distributed Statistical Analysis of Stock Market Data using MapReduce with Cumulative Distribution Function", InProceedings, IEEE CLOUD Summit Conference 2023, July 2023, 469 downloads.
- R. Ayanzadeh, J. E. Dorband, M. Halem, and T. Finin, "Quantum-Assisted Greedy Algorithms", InProceedings, Proceedings of the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), July 2022, 659 downloads.
- R. Ayanzadeh, M. Halem, J. E. Dorband, and T. Finin, "Quantum-Assisted Greedy Algorithms", Article, arXiv:1912.02362 [quant-ph], December 2019, 584 downloads.
- S. K. Singh, R. Bose, and A. Joshi, "Energy theft detection for AMI using principal component analysis based reconstructed data", Article, IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory & Applications, June 2019, 1094 downloads.
- S. K. Singh, R. Bose, and A. Joshi, "Entropy Based Electricity Theft Detection in AMI Network", Article, IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory and Applications, October 2017, 1251 downloads.
- S. K. Singh, K. Khanna, R. Bose, and A. Joshi, "Joint transformation based detection of false data injection attacks in smart grid", Article, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, June 2017, 1658 downloads.
- Y. Sun and Y. Peng, "Inconsistent Knowledge Integration with Bayesian Network", 29th International FLAIRS Conference, May 2016, 424 downloads.
- Y. Peng, Z. Ding, S. Zhang, and R. Pan, "Bayesian Network Revision with Probabilistic Constraints", Article, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, March 2012, 492 downloads.
- S. Zhang, Y. Peng, and X. Wang, "An Efficient Method for Probabilistic Knowledge Integration", InProceedings, Proceedings of The 20th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, November 2008, 2026 downloads, 2 citations.
- R. Pan, Y. Peng, and Z. Ding, "Belief Update in Bayesian Networks Using Uncertain Evidence", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2006), November 2006, 3835 downloads.
- Y. Peng and Z. Ding, "Modifying Bayesian Networks by Probability Constraints", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 21st Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, July 2005, 2840 downloads, 18 citations.
- W. Watthayu and Y. Peng, "A Bayesian network based framework for multi-criteria decision making", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis, August 2004, 9206 downloads, 18 citations.
- Z. Ding and Y. Peng, "A Probabilistic Extension to Ontology Language OWL", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 37th Hawaii International Conference On System Sciences (HICSS-37)., January 2004, 6293 downloads, 154 citations.
Old News
- Zhongli Ding defends dissertation
December 5, 2005
Old Events
- Detecting Domain Shift
September 3, 2010 - An Efficient Method for Probabilistic Knowledge Integration
October 14, 2008 - BayesOWL: A Probabilistic Framework for Uncertainty in Semantic Web
December 5, 2005