Tags: probability distribution



  1. D. Dahiphale, A. Wadkar, and K. P. Joshi, "CDFMR: A Distributed Statistical Analysis of Stock Market Data using MapReduce with Cumulative Distribution Function", InProceedings, IEEE CLOUD Summit Conference 2023, July 2023, 429 downloads.


  1. R. Ayanzadeh, J. E. Dorband, M. Halem, and T. Finin, "Quantum-Assisted Greedy Algorithms", InProceedings, Proceedings of the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), July 2022, 630 downloads.


  1. R. Ayanzadeh, M. Halem, J. E. Dorband, and T. Finin, "Quantum-Assisted Greedy Algorithms", Article, arXiv:1912.02362 [quant-ph], December 2019, 565 downloads.
  2. S. K. Singh, R. Bose, and A. Joshi, "Energy theft detection for AMI using principal component analysis based reconstructed data", Article, IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory & Applications, June 2019, 1077 downloads.


  1. S. K. Singh, R. Bose, and A. Joshi, "Entropy Based Electricity Theft Detection in AMI Network", Article, IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory and Applications, October 2017, 1234 downloads.
  2. S. K. Singh, K. Khanna, R. Bose, and A. Joshi, "Joint transformation based detection of false data injection attacks in smart grid", Article, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, June 2017, 1622 downloads.


  1. Y. Sun and Y. Peng, "Inconsistent Knowledge Integration with Bayesian Network", 29th International FLAIRS Conference, May 2016, 409 downloads.


  1. Y. Peng, Z. Ding, S. Zhang, and R. Pan, "Bayesian Network Revision with Probabilistic Constraints", Article, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, March 2012, 473 downloads.


  1. S. Zhang, Y. Peng, and X. Wang, "An Efficient Method for Probabilistic Knowledge Integration", InProceedings, Proceedings of The 20th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, November 2008, 2015 downloads, 2 citations.


  1. R. Pan, Y. Peng, and Z. Ding, "Belief Update in Bayesian Networks Using Uncertain Evidence", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2006), November 2006, 3822 downloads.


  1. Y. Peng and Z. Ding, "Modifying Bayesian Networks by Probability Constraints", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 21st Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, July 2005, 2827 downloads, 18 citations.


  1. W. Watthayu and Y. Peng, "A Bayesian network based framework for multi-criteria decision making", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis, August 2004, 9169 downloads, 18 citations.
  2. Z. Ding and Y. Peng, "A Probabilistic Extension to Ontology Language OWL", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 37th Hawaii International Conference On System Sciences (HICSS-37)., January 2004, 6269 downloads, 154 citations.

Old News

  1. Zhongli Ding defends dissertation
    December 5, 2005