Displaying publications 1021 through 1040 out of 1078.
- T. Finin and G. Morris, "Abductive reasoning in multiple fault diagnosis", Article, Artificial Intelligence Review, July 1989, 1171 downloads.
- T. Finin, R. Fritzson, and D. Matuszek, "Adding forward chaining and truth maintenance to Prolog", InProceedings, Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications, March 1989, 1577 downloads.
- T. Finin and R. Fritzson, "How to serve knowledge, notes on the design of a knowledge base server", InProceedings, AAAI 1989 Spring Symposium on Knowledge System Development Tools and Languages, March 1989, 200 downloads.
- R. Kass and T. Finin, "The Role of User Models in Cooperative Interactive Systems", Article, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, January 1989, 1766 downloads.
- T. Finin, "GUMS — A General User Modeling Shell", InBook, User Models in Dialog Systems, January 1989, 205 downloads.
- M. Palmer, T. Finin, and S. M. Walter, "Workshop on the Evaluation of Natural Language Processing Systems", TechReport, RADC-TR-89-302, December 1988, 183 downloads.
- R. Kass and T. Finin, "The Need for User Models in Generating Expert System Explanations", Article, International Journal of Expert Systems, October 1988, 1627 downloads.
- T. Finin, "Default Reasoning and Stereotypes in User Modelling", Article, International Journal of Expert Systems, September 1988, 210 downloads.
- D. Matuszek, T. Finin, R. Fritzson, and C. Overton, "Endpoint Relations on Temporal Intervals", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Rocky Mountain Conference on Artificial Intelligence, June 1988, 149 downloads.
- R. Kass and T. Finin, "A General User Modelling Facility", InProceedings, Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems, May 1988, 1183 downloads, 27 citations.
- T. Finin and J. McGuire, "A Hierarchical Database Model for a Logic Programming Language", TechReport, Department of Computer and Information Science, Technical Report No. MS-CIS-88-22., March 1988, 422 downloads.
- T. Finin and J. McGuire, "A Hierarchical Database Model for a Logic Programming Language", TechReport, University of Pennsylvania, March 1988, 213 downloads.
- R. Kass and T. Finin, "Modeling the user in natural language systems", Article, Computational Linguistics , January 1988, 3197 downloads, 126 citations.
- J. Levy and T. Finin, "BBC, A BlackBoard Generating System", InProceedings, AAAI Workshop on Blackboard Systems: Implementational Issues, September 1987, 159 downloads.
- S. Schocken and T. Finin, "Prolog Meta-Interpreters for Rule-Based Inference Under Uncertainty", TechReport, New York University, September 1987, 343 downloads.
- D. Klein and T. Finin, "What's In a Deep Model? A Characterization of Knowledge Depth in Intelligent Safety Systems", InProceedings, 10th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, August 1987, 1161 downloads.
- R. Kass and T. Finin, "Rules for the Implicit Acquisition of Knowledge About the User", InProceedings, Proceedings of the Sixth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-87), July 1987, 1182 downloads.
- T. Finin and D. Klein, "On the Requirements of Active Expert Systems", Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Expert Systems and their Application (Avignon '87), May 1987, 154 downloads.
- R. Kass, R. Katriel, and T. Finin, "Breaking the Primitive Concept Barrier", InProceedings, Proceedings of the Third Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications, February 1987, 166 downloads.
- E. Schuster and T. Finin, "VP 2 : the role of user modelling in correcting errors in second language learning", InBook, Artificial Intelligence and its Applications, January 1987, 183 downloads.