Tags: blog



  1. P. Ranade, "Knowledge-Embedded Narrative Construction from Open Source Intelligence", InProceedings, Thirty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-23) Doctoral Consortium, February 2023, 522 downloads.


  1. P. Ranade, S. Dey, A. Joshi, and T. Finin, "Computational Understanding of Narratives: A Survey", Article, IEEE Access, September 2022, 389 downloads.
  2. C. Hanks, M. Maiden, P. Ranade, T. Finin, and A. Joshi, "CyberEnt: Extracting Domain Specific Entities from Cybersecurity Text", InProceedings, Mid-Atlantic Student Colloquium on Speech, Language and Learning, April 2022, 893 downloads.
  3. S. Mitra, A. Piplai, S. Mittal, and A. Joshi, "Combating Fake Cyber Threat Intelligence using Provenance in Cybersecurity Knowledge Graphs", IEEE International Conference on Big Data 2021, January 2022, 781 downloads.


  1. P. Ranade, A. Piplai, A. Joshi, and T. Finin, "CyBERT: Contextualized Embeddings for the Cybersecurity Domain", InProceedings, IEEE International Conference on Big Data, December 2021, 1546 downloads.
  2. S. Dasgupta, A. Piplai, P. Ranade, and A. Joshi, "Cybersecurity Knowledge Graph Improvement with Graph Neural Networks", InProceedings, International Conference on Big Data, December 2021, 478 downloads.
  3. R. Ayanzadeh, J. E. Dorband, M. Halem, and T. Finin, "Multi-Qubit Correction for Quantum Annealers", Article, Nature Scientific Reports, July 2021, 693 downloads.
  4. J. Sleeman, T. Finin, and M. Halem, "Understanding Cybersecurity Threat Trends through Dynamic Topic Modeling", Article, Frontiers in Big Data, June 2021, 262 downloads.


  1. A. Piplai, S. Mittal, M. Abdelsalam, M. Gupta, A. Joshi, and T. Finin, "Knowledge Enrichment by Fusing Representations for Malware Threat Intelligence and Behavior", InProceedings, IEEE Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI) 2020, November 2020, 594 downloads.


  1. N. Khurana, S. Mittal, A. Piplai, and A. Joshi, "Preventing Poisoning Attacks on AI based Threat Intelligence Systems", InProceedings, IEEE Machine Learning for Signal Processing, September 2019, 990 downloads.


  1. P. Ranade, S. Mittal, A. Joshi, and K. P. Joshi, "Using Deep Neural Networks to Translate Multi-lingual Threat Intelligence", InProceedings, IEEE Intelligence and Security Informatics (IEEE ISI) 2018, November 2018, 1448 downloads.
  2. P. Ranade, S. Mittal, A. Joshi, and K. P. Joshi, "Understanding Multi-lingual Threat Intelligence for AI based Cyber-defense Systems", InProceedings, IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security, October 2018, 790 downloads.
  3. J. Sleeman, T. Finin, and M. Halem, "Ontology-Grounded Topic Modeling for Climate Science Research", InCollection, Emerging Topics in Semantic Technologies. ISWC 2018 Satellite Events, October 2018, 945 downloads.
  4. M. M. Rahman, "Understanding the Logical and Semantic Structure of Large Documents", PhdThesis, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, May 2018, 452 downloads.


  1. M. M. Rahman and T. Finin, "Deep Understanding of a Document's Structure", InProceedings, 4th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Big Data Computing, Applications and Technologies, December 2017, 1269 downloads.
  2. M. M. Rahman and T. Finin, "Understanding the Logical and Semantic Structure of Large Documents", Article, arXiv e-print, September 2017, 981 downloads.
  3. M. M. Rahman, "Understanding the Logical and Semantic Structure of Large Documents", Proceedings, SDM 2016 Doctoral Forum, SIAM International Conference on Data Mining , April 2017, 818 downloads.


  1. S. Mittal, P. K. Das, V. Mulwad, A. Joshi, and T. Finin, "CyberTwitter: Using Twitter to generate alerts for Cybersecurity Threats and Vulnerabilities", InProceedings, International Symposium on Foundations of Open Source Intelligence and Security Informatics, August 2016, 4100 downloads.


  1. R. Yus, V. Mulwad, T. Finin, and E. Mena, "Infoboxer: Using Statistical and Semantic Knowledge to Help Create Wikipedia Infoboxes", InProceedings, 13th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2014), Riva del Garda (Italy), October 2014, 1158 downloads.
  2. V. Mulwad, T. Finin, and A. Joshi, "Interpreting Medical Tables as Linked Data to Generate Meta-Analysis Reports", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration, August 2014, 1294 downloads.


  1. A. Joshi, R. Lal, T. Finin, and A. Joshi, "Extracting cybersecurity related linked data from text", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing, September 2013, 2349 downloads.
  2. A. Joshi, "Linked Data for Software Security Concepts and Vulnerability Descriptions", MastersThesis, University of Maryland Baltimore County, July 2013, 1805 downloads.
  3. R. Lal, "Information Extraction of Security related entities and concepts from unstructured text.", MastersThesis, University of Maryland Baltimore County, May 2013, 2300 downloads.


  1. S. More, M. L. Mathews, A. Joshi, and T. Finin, "A Semantic Approach to Situational Awareness for Intrusion Detection", InProceedings, Proceedings of the National Symposium on Moving Target Research, June 2012, 3407 downloads.
  2. J. Mayfield and T. Finin, "Evaluating the Quality of a Knowledge Base Populated from Text", InProceedings, Joint Workshop on Automatic Knowledge Base Construction and Web-scale Knowledge Extraction, June 2012, 4545 downloads.
  3. v. Stoyanov, J. Mayfield, T. Xu, D. Oard, D. Lawrie, T. Oates, and T. Finin, "A Context-Aware Approach to Entity Linking", InProceedings, Joint Workshop on Automatic Knowledge Base Construction and Web-scale Knowledge Extraction, June 2012, 3010 downloads.
  4. S. More, "Situation Aware Intrusion Detection Model", MastersThesis, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, May 2012, 184 downloads.


  1. J. Martineau, "Identifying and Isolating Text Classification Signals from Domain and Genre Noise for Sentiment Analysis", PhdThesis, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, December 2011, 2635 downloads.


  1. D. Chinavle, P. Kolari, T. Oates, and T. Finin, "Ensembles in Adversarial Classification for Spam", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, November 2009, 4303 downloads, 1 citation.
  2. C. Fink, C. Piatko, J. Mayfield, D. Chou, T. Finin, and J. Martineau, "The Geolocation of Web Logs from Textual Clues", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, August 2009, 1687 downloads, 2 citations.
  3. K. Burton, A. Java, and I. Soboroff, "The ICWSM 2009 Spinn3r Dataset", InProceedings, Third Annual Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM 2009), May 2009, 24 citations.
  4. C. Fink, C. Piatko, J. Mayfield, T. Finin, and J. Martineau, "Geolocating Blogs From Their Textual Content", InProceedings, Working Notes of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Social Semantic Web: Where Web 2.0 Meets Web 3.0, March 2009, 3927 downloads, 1 citation.


  1. A. Java, "Mining Social Media Communities and Content", PhdThesis, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, December 2008, 56861 downloads.
  2. J. Sachs, L. Han, T. Wang, and C. Parr, "Bioblitz Data on the Semantic Web", InProceedings, International Semantic Web Conference (Posters & Demos), September 2008, 1377 downloads.
  3. T. Finin, A. Joshi, P. Kolari, A. Java, A. Kale, and A. Karandikar, "The Information ecology of social media and online communities", Article, AI Magazine, September 2008, 6658 downloads, 11 citations.
  4. A. Java, A. Joshi, and T. Finin, "Detecting Commmunities via Simultaneous Clustering of Graphs and Folksonomies", InProceedings, Proceedings of the Tenth Workshop on Web Mining and Web Usage Analysis (WebKDD), August 2008, 6936 downloads, 5 citations.
  5. P. Kolari, T. Finin, K. Lyons, and Y. Yesha, "Expert Search using Internal Corporate Blogs", InProceedings, Workshop on Future Challenges in Expertise Retrieval, SIGIR 2008, July 2008, 2471 downloads, 4 citations.
  6. C. Parr, T. Wang, J. Sachs, L. Han, and T. Finin, "Enabling Semantic Ecoblogging and Bioblitzes", Misc, 25th Annual HCIL Symposium and Open House. University of Maryland, May 2008, 1980 downloads.
  7. A. Java, A. Joshi, and T. Finin, "Approximating the Community Structure of the Long Tail", InProceedings, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), March 2008, 5630 downloads, 4 citations.
  8. A. Karandikar, A. Java, A. Joshi, T. Finin, Y. Yesha, and Y. Yesha, "Second Space: A Generative Model For The Blogosphere", InProceedings, Proceedings of the International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), March 2008, 5039 downloads, 1 citation.
  9. J. Martineau and M. Hurst, "Blog Link Classification", InProceedings, Proceedings of the International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM 2008), March 2008, 1177 downloads, 1 citation.


  1. P. Kolari, "Detecting Spam Blogs: An Adaptive Online Approach", PhdThesis, Ph.D. Dissertation, December 2007, 8670 downloads, 3 citations.
  2. A. Joshi, T. Finin, A. Java, A. Kale, and P. Kolari, "Web 2.0 Mining: Analyzing Social Media", InProceedings, Proceedings of the NSF Symposium on Next Generation of Data Mining and Cyber-Enabled Discovery for Innovation, October 2007, 5820 downloads, 5 citations.
  3. C. Parr, J. Sachs, L. Han, T. Wang, and T. Finin, "RDF123 and Spotter: Tools for generating OWL and RDF for biodiversity data in spreadsheets and unstructured text", InProceedings, Proceedings of Biodiversity Information Standards Annual Conference (TDWG 2007), October 2007, 2177 downloads, 3 citations.
  4. A. Java, X. Song, T. Finin, and B. Tseng, "Why We Twitter: Understanding Microblogging Usage and Communities", InProceedings, Procedings of the Joint 9th WEBKDD and 1st SNA-KDD Workshop 2007, August 2007, 62719 downloads, 342 citations.
  5. J. Martineau, A. Java, P. Kolari, A. Joshi, T. Finin, and J. Mayfield, "BlogVox: Learning Sentiment Classifiers", InProceedings, Proceedings of the Twenty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, July 2007, 2003 downloads, 2 citations.
  6. S. Balijepalli, "Blogvox2: A Modular Domain Independent Sentiment Analysis System", MastersThesis, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, June 2007, 8185 downloads, 1 citation.
  7. A. Parafiynyk, C. Parr, J. Sachs, and T. Finin, "Adding Semantics to Social Websites for Citizen Science", InProceedings, Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic e-Science (AAAI 07), June 2007, 6038 downloads, 3 citations.
  8. A. Kale, P. Kolari, A. Java, T. Finin, and A. Joshi, "On Modeling Trust in Social Media using Link Polarity", TechReport, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, May 2007, 3788 downloads.
  9. A. Karandikar, "Generative Model To Construct Blog and Post Networks In Blogosphere", MastersThesis, University of Maryland at Baltimore County, May 2007, 9038 downloads, 3 citations.
  10. A. Kale, "Modeling Trust and Influence in Blogosphere using Link Polarity", MastersThesis, University of Maryland Baltimore County, April 2007, 11210 downloads, 36 citations.
  11. A. Java, "A Framework for Modeling Influence, Opinions and Structure in Social Media", InProceedings, 22nd Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2007), April 2007, 5358 downloads, 4 citations.
  12. A. Java, P. Kolari, T. Finin, A. Joshi, and T. Oates, "Feeds That Matter: A Study of Bloglines Subscriptions", InProceedings, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), March 2007, 7070 downloads, 17 citations.
  13. P. Kolari, T. Finin, A. Java, and A. Joshi, "Towards Spam Detection at Ping Servers", InProceedings, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), March 2007, 2807 downloads, 5 citations.
  14. P. Kolari, T. Finin, Y. Yesha, Y. Yesha, K. Lyons, S. Perelgut, and J. Hawkins, "On the Structure, Properties and Utility of Internal Corporate Blogs", InProceedings, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), March 2007, 14837 downloads, 43 citations.
  15. A. Kale, A. Karandikar, P. Kolari, A. Java, T. Finin, and A. Joshi, "Modeling Trust and Influence in the Blogosphere Using Link Polarity", InProceedings, Proceedings of the International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM 2007), March 2007, 4876 downloads, 36 citations.
  16. P. Kolari, T. Finin, A. Java, and A. Joshi, "Spam in Blogs and Social Media, Tutorial", InProceedings, ICWSM 2007, March 2007, 3748 downloads, 3 citations.
  17. P. Kolari and A. Java, "Spam Blogs: Ping Servers and Adversaries", TechReport, March 2007.
  18. A. Java, P. Kolari, T. Finin, A. Joshi, J. Martineau, and J. Mayfield, "The BlogVox Opinion Retrieval System", InProceedings, Proceedings of the Fifteenth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 2006), February 2007, 4385 downloads, 7 citations.
  19. A. Java, P. Kolari, T. Finin, J. Mayfield, A. Joshi, and J. Martineau, "BlogVox: Separating Blog Wheat from Blog Chaff", InProceedings, Proceedings of the Workshop on Analytics for Noisy Unstructured Text Data, 20th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-2007), January 2007, 3742 downloads, 8 citations.


  1. P. Kolari, A. Java, T. Finin, J. Mayfield, A. Joshi, and J. Martineau, "Blog Track Open Task: Spam Blog Classification", InCollection, TREC 2006 Blog Track Notebook, November 2006, 8473 downloads, 11 citations.
  2. P. Kolari, T. Finin, Y. Yesha, K. Lyons, S. Perelgut, and J. Hawkins, "Monitoring Conversations on the Blogosphere: An Enterprise Perspective", InProceedings, CASCON 2006 Exhibit Program, October 2006.
  3. P. Kolari, A. Java, T. Finin, T. Oates, and A. Joshi, "Detecting Spam Blogs: A Machine Learning Approach", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 21st National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2006), July 2006, 11431 downloads, 75 citations.
  4. P. Kolari, A. Java, and T. Finin, "Characterizing the Splogosphere", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Workshop on Weblogging Ecosystem: Aggregation, Analysis and Dynamics, 15th World Wid Web Conference, May 2006, 7558 downloads, 84 citations.
  5. P. Kolari, T. Finin, and A. Joshi, "SVMs for the Blogosphere: Blog Identification and Splog Detection", InProceedings, AAAI Spring Symposium on Computational Approaches to Analysing Weblogs, March 2006, 14280 downloads, 112 citations.
  6. A. Java, J. English, and S. Nirenburg, "Automated Fact Repository Construction through Ontology Filtering and Natural Language Processing", TechReport, March 2006, 123 downloads.
  7. A. Java, P. Kolari, T. Finin, and T. Oates, "Modeling the Spread of Influence on the Blogosphere", TechReport, UMBC TR-CS-06-03, March 2006, 20471 downloads, 47 citations.
  8. P. Kolari and T. Finin, "Memeta: A Framework for Multi-Relational Analytics on the Blogosphere", InProceedings, AAAI 2006 Student Abstract Program, February 2006, 4848 downloads.


  1. T. Finin, "CRA Policy Blog Available as an RSS Channel", Article, Computing Research News, September 2004, 75 downloads.


  1. T. Kamdar and A. Joshi, "On Creating Adaptive Web Servers Using Weblog Mining", TechReport, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, November 2000, 3910 downloads.