- K. P. Joshi, "Cloud Data Management Policies: Security and Privacy Checklist", InProceedings, 2nd International IBM Cloud Academy Conference ICA CON 2014, Atlanta, May 2014, 1323 downloads.
- K. P. Joshi, Y. Yesha, and T. Finin, "Automating Cloud Services Lifecycle through Semantic technologies", Article, IEEE Transactions on Service Computing, January 2014, 2431 downloads.
- K. P. Joshi, T. Finin, Y. Yesha, A. Joshi, N. Golpayegani, and N. Adam, "A Policy-based Approach to Smart Cloud Services", InProceedings, Proceedings of the Annual Service Research and Innovation Institute Global Conference, July 2012, 1900 downloads.
- K. P. Joshi, Y. Yesha, T. Finin, and A. Joshi, "Policy based Cloud Services on a VCL platform", InProceedings, Proceedings of the first International IBM Cloud Academy Conference (ICA CON 2012), April 2012, 3036 downloads.
- K. P. Joshi, "DC Proposal: Automation of Service Lifecycle on the Cloud by Using Semantic Technologies", InProceedings, Proceedings of tenth International Semantic Web Conference, Part II, October 2011, 1800 downloads.
- K. P. Joshi, T. Finin, and Y. Yesha, "A Semantic Approach to Automate Service Management in the Cloud", TechReport, UMBC, June 2011, 1462 downloads.
- K. P. Joshi, A. Joshi, T. Finin, and Y. Yesha, "Policy Driven Negotiations for Managing Virtualized Services on the Cloud", InProceedings, Proceedings of 19th Annual Frontiers in Service Conference, Sweden, June 2010, June 2010, 1530 downloads.
- K. P. Joshi, T. Finin, and Y. Yesha, "Integrated Lifecycle of IT Services in a Cloud Environment (Detailed paper)", InProceedings, In proceedings of The Third International Conference on the Virtual Computing Initiative (ICVCI 2009), April 2010, 3207 downloads.
- V. Korolev and A. Joshi, "An End-End Approach to Wireless Web Access", InProceedings, Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing 2001, Workshop of 21st IEEE Intl. Conf. Distributed Computing Systems, April 2001, 136 downloads.
- T. Finin and B. Grosof, "Artificial Intelligence for Electronic Commerce", Proceedings, AAAI Press, July 1999.
- Y. Chen, Y. Peng, Y. K. Labrou, R. S. Cost, and T. Finin, "Negotiating agents for supply chain management", InProceedings, Proceedings of the AAAI Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Electronic Commerce, July 1999, 3021 downloads, 14 citations.
- Y. Chen, Y. Peng, T. Finin, Y. K. Labrou, and R. S. Cost, "Negotiating Agents for Supply Chain Management", InProceedings, AAAI Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Electronic Commerce, July 1999, 211 downloads.
- Y. Chen, Y. Peng, T. Finin, Y. K. Labrou, B. Chu, J. Yao, R. Sun, and R. Wilhelm, "A negotiation-based Multi-agent System for Supply Chain Management", InProceedings, Workshop on supply chain management, International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, April 1999, 866 downloads.
- T. Finin, R. Fritzson, D. P. McKay, and R. McEntire, "KQML as an agent communication language", InProceedings, Proceedings of the third international conference on Information and knowledge management , October 1994, 3392 downloads, 2225 citations.
- T. Finin, D. P. McKay, R. Fritzson, and R. McEntire, "KQML - A Language and Protocol for Knowledge and Information Exchange", InBook, Knowledge Building and Knowledge Sharing, September 1994, 478 downloads.
- T. Finin, R. Fritzson, D. P. McKay, and R. McEntire, "KQML - A Language and Protocol for Knowledge and Information Exchange", InProceedings, 13th Int. Distributed Artificial Intelligence Workshop, July 1994, 1413 downloads.